I asked a guy friend of mine what you guys think about. He said it’s like 49% games and Internet stuff. 30% sex and weird stuff and 20% weird random thoughts and 1% am I gay. Is this true? Can you go more in depth? It was a couple months ago so the percentages are kind of what I barely remember.

  1. 99.9% I am trying to guess what panties a woman is wearing. The other .1% food…

  2. Work – family/friends – sex – hobbies – sports – money/finances – travel – nothing

    It’s all random really and the topic /percentages vary

    I don’t think about the gay part. Don’t really have to wonder

  3. 50% work/responsibilities, 20% family needs, 10% fun, 20% constant nagging doubts about myself and overthinking

  4. 80 percent work; 10 percent women; 10 percent lifting

    Don’t really do shit else everyday but the above

  5. Depends, I’m 60 so I think about exercising, walking the dogs. Projects I have going on. Food and sex as well.

  6. Different hobbies and fandoms I’m into, sex, random curiosities that pop into my mind anything from potential alternate timelines to what a lady I just met sounds like when she orgasms, and questions around things like existentialism.

  7. *”What do you guys think about all the time?”*

    Already breaking rule #4 of the subreddit, eh?

    Ah, 26 karma. It makes sense now.

  8. 50% – Basically just navigating through life… through an internal monologue where I’m basically just talking to myself about day-to-day life stuff… i.e…

    ME: “what do I feel like eating for dinner tonight?”

    ME: “Hmm… I kinda feel like Indian food tonight.”

    ME: “Oh yeah good idea… Let’s do that!”

    25% – Just random thoughts where my mind just takes me to weird, cool, and abstract places and I just kinda go on autopilot while I’m basically just day dreaming about stuff. Or I might be thinking about answers to weird random questions. I may look like I’m not thinking about anything… but I am.

    25%- Dudes.

  9. I’m always thinking about capitalizing on my stability (financially and emotionally) and deep thoughts about life or replaying situations in my head to learn from them

  10. The percents really vary greatly, but work, sex, cooking/recipes, shit around the house I need to do before it breaks, exercise, weird random thoughts, random pondering about preparing for disasters…

    Sex is definitely high on the list, but not the top, unless I don’t have something else to occupy my brain time. Lol.

  11. 30% money

    10% schemes to make more money

    20% my to do list/calendar

    15% ever aproching need to answer philosophical questions about emerging technologies

    5% “what am I going to talk about with blank today?”

    20% “did I do that right? I probably fucked up didn’t I”

    100% the task currently at hand. Leave me the fuck alone, I’m doing my job.

  12. First off, men can think about nothing.

    We usually focus really well on whatever we’re doing. That’s what makes us good at stuff.

    Work, family, politics, home projects, sex, problem solving, preparing for the zombie apocalypse.

  13. It’s usually contemplating why I should attempt a relationship then I end up with the conclusion too much effort

  14. Work and responsibilities and my health and future goals mostly.

    Sometimes my hobbies and thinking about people in my life close to me and sometimes just random thoughts.

    Only think about sex and women is when I’m horny which goes away when I’m no longer horny.

    If I see a good looking woman. I will say inside my head “Wow, she’s fucking gorgeous” and keep the thought to myself or something and then forget about her not long after. That’s it. Just a stranger I’ll probably never meet again who so happens to be a woman I found physically attractive. Not much else. I don’t think about it much after like I guess some people think men do

    Despite what people say. I’m not a 15 year old boy going through puberty. I don’t think about sex with women 24/7.

    I also have times where I think about a time I did or said something in the past that I find deeply embarrassing now and start to cringe at myself. Normally this happens at night when I’m about to fall asleep or trying too

    All men are different. I wouldn’t take one man’s theory on what all men think about to heart.

    I don’t ever recall questioning my sexual orientation. Nothing against gay men but I’ve always been attracted to women since hitting puberty in my teenage years and never thought much else of it afterwards. It is what it is

  15. On a work day
    20% work
    30% money
    20% sex
    10% family
    10% games/guns
    10% sports

    On a day off
    30% money
    30% sex
    20% family
    10% games/guns
    10% sports

  16. 95% thinking about stuff I should do and how long I can put it off

    4.99% sleeping or eating, sometimes both

    0.01% actually doing the stuff I should be doing

  17. Probably close to 40% if the time I think about my past or future interactions with other humans

    20% thinking about how I should drink less or workout more or read more blah blah… self help shit

    15% food/wow I should eat less junk

    10% appreciation/meditation/peaceful thoughts

    5% money and what to do with it

    5% women

    5% going over my plans for the week so I don’t forget them

  18. Have you heard of “The Nothing Box” before?

    Largely it’s contextual. Sometimes it’s daydreaming.

  19. Porn is majority of thought. But like my own personal stories. From adventures in a harem of goblin girls, to space alien orgies. My mind finds comfort in fantasy. Reality sucks.

  20. his “am i gay” % is a lie.

    we all wonder that *at least* 10% of the time.

    double, if your homies have been looking fly lately

  21. 35% anxiety over work responsibilities, 35% anxiety over home and family stuff, 10% model steam engines, 10% vacuum tube radio, 5% wood working and 5% things that are fun to say.

  22. 20% on how i’ll achieve my goals, 10% sexual thoughts, 30% learning from daily interactions and onbservations, 20% on my current job,5% on what i’ll do today, 5% interacting with others, 10%family

  23. A lot of the time I imagine what I’d be saying to people if there were no consequences. Or I might be daydreaming about giving a lecture to a small but captivated audience on an obscure topic. Or gardening/plants. I think about climate change and collapse a lot. Through the day I often have scraps of song lyrics or bits of music looping in my head. That can get annoying. I think of puns or make up words for things that don’t have words. I try to meditate sometimes but I’m not very good at it.

  24. When I’m not working, I think about sex, pool, guns, hiking, martial arts, food, politics, sex, pool, guns, exercise, sex, hiking, vacations, guns, sex, politics, food, sex, pool, guns, and sex.

  25. My mind tends to be mostly focused on whatever task I’m on with random wanderings towards my wife, my kids, or something I want to eat.

    With no distraction, I’d say 30% Wife, 30% Kids, 20% my writing, 10% gaming, 10% miscellaneous.

  26. 20% business stuff.
    10% financial goal stuff.
    10% bucket list activity planning or reminiscing.
    5% financial obligations.
    5% money saving ideas.
    15% self improvement/mental well being thoughts.
    5% self reflection (examining my faults/flaws and how to eliminate them)
    20% future relationship goals, desires and date ideas.
    5% sex and fantasies.
    5% wandering, aimless thoughts.

  27. The percentages fluctuate daily, but I’d say typically 30% tasks I need to do and work related stuff, 35% random nothing thoughts, 30% fun ideas for projects to build or things to do, and maybe 5% sex lol I couldn’t care less about getting laid at this point in my life, if I get horny I jerk off and move on with my day haha

  28. 50% pseudo-schizo ADHD thoughts, 30% video games, 25% what I’m doing in the moment.

  29. every guy you ask is gonna give you a different answer, because of personal traits and interests. however i do guarantee that sex is certainly a significant factor. you think about what interests you

  30. Sex, my cars, moving to a different state, the state of the economy, the politics in our nation, sex, gym, my career, sex, my mental health, shit like that

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