Trying to befriend a male coworker but have ZERO idea of how to pls help lmfao

  1. Buy me food. Granted, that would probably be misread as a date unless you’re super clear going into it.

  2. Just talk to him. Ask him about himself. Go out and do fun stuff after work.

  3. Debate me on my hobbies, interests, and work…

    Don’t get sad. Don’t tell me about your feelings unless it’s about the above (or your own personal hobbies, interests, etc)

    Also, easiest way and (sadly) the only way I end up making friends with woman… GOSSIP. I fucking love gossip idc

  4. What did you do to get your female friends? Honestly, I wouldn’t think about trying to truly befriend someone in gendered terms. I’ve made friends of all genders and the mechanics of it were usually pretty similar.

    The real issue is…why do you want *him* as a “friend” specifically?

  5. Be sincere and genuine, and don’t treat us men like we are some different species or just differently than the women you are friends with. It’s not complicated a lot of men are just really eager for a solid new friend and no bs.

  6. Wave when you/ or they get to work. Say good morning / afternoon. Start there, get them comfortable with your presence.

  7. I’m not sure about the guy you want to be friends with, but I know that for me specifically I’m not even sure it’s really possible. I have mostly just bad experiences with women which makes it very difficult for me to be willing to trust women.

    If all women hate me, I’m just not even willing to consider it anymore. At best, I’ll consider a woman an associate but that’s about it.

  8. Don’t, He will just wonder why you are hitting on him then either ask you out or distance himself from you.

  9. Ask to do things with him.

    Guys build friendships by doing things together. Sharing experiences.

  10. Have similar interests or be funny. Those are the only ways I am friends with people

  11. Sports for sure because that’s how I make guy friends. It’s simple I know, but it gets a conversation going for me. But I understand a lot of guys aren’t into sports.

  12. Just trust me, have fun with me, be there for me and I’d do the same to you. Just understand the difference between a friend and a date

  13. You walk up to them and say “You want to be my friend?”

    Girl literally did this to me and I admired her straightforwardness. I lost contact with her and wish I didn’t because she was very nice to me and tried to give me basic life advice. Hope she’s doing well wherever she is

  14. My main way of making friends with both/none genders is just asking if they wanna grab a beer to complain about shit. Works more often than it doesn’t

  15. Share a common interest or don’t bother in my case. Start by talking about the common interest at lunch break or something.

    Be careful if he is single. Any interest or initiative from you could be interpreted as romantic interest. Many guys have a story about how a girl was giving them hints about being romantically interested and they only realized two years later so now they’re very keen on not repeating that mistake.

  16. Why are you wanting to befriend this one individual? What’s your motive?

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