I would say I’m someone who smiles a lot and while I don’t act like everything is sunshine and roses all the time I generally have a positive attitude, almost to the point where I feel like I seem unnatural to some but I genuinely don’t know how else to be as it’s my automatic personality when I’m talking to others.

I can never tell whether people actually like me or are just pretending. A lot of people at work are cold with me and don’t seem to take me seriously. Some of my friends where I used to live no longer talk to me and I worry that they secretly found me unbeatable all along and are glad to be rid of me.

  1. I wouldn’t say unbearable. Nobody should hate you for it. But being super happy comes off as plastic. People will like you more and see you as more genuine if you have a bit of an edge.

  2. It’s not a bad thing to be this way at all, a lot of the time people need people like you in their lives to be a positive person in their life. i think sometimes it could get frustrating if for example, your colleagues are not having the best day and don’t feel like smiling and being on top form so seeing someone who is constantly could grate a bit, does that make sense?

  3. Please don’t take this personally but in my experience, people with an overwhelmingly positive attitude are usually naive and afraid of taking risks, and they are very afraid of breaking away from the group. I do find such people unbearable.

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