I eat well, avoid soda and fast food. Ocassional (1-2 month junk food) junk/fast food. I play soccer 2-3 times a week, road bike and gym maybe 3 times a week. I do NOT count calories, I eat lots or bread, beer, wine, etc. I don’t count macro or any other stats.

Is it pretty much impossible unless you track a millions stats about your nutrition and body?

Or were you able to do it? I am talking about some muscle definition, some abs, and general good physique.

  1. You do or don’t eat lots of bread? Lol it was slightly confusing the way it’s worded, not trying to be grammer police.

  2. I’m 37 and have a decently defined 6-pack, so much so that my wife complemented recently when I was fasting for a few day (clearly burnt off some excess fat). I don’t exercise much, if I do it’s to get my heart rate up and that’s it. I also drink quite a bit and have a desk job. So, anecdotally, yes you can. How long it will stick around is tbd.

  3. A lot of age defeatism on this channel today. Yes, of course it’s possible. And you don’t have to “track a million stats.”

  4. Lots of bread and alcohol is lots of calories. That’s not necessarily bad but if you’re not in a regular deficit, you’re just maintaining.

    There are places that do metabolic tests so you can find out your resting / basal metabolic rate. That tells you your normal daily calorie expenditure, not including any exercise you do. So you can calculate your exercise and your macro intake.

    As a guy you’ll need 10% body fat or less probably.

    To see abs though you also need actual ab muscles to uncover…

  5. Yea bro. I’m 37. Lost 35 lbs the past 8 months. Counted calories. Cleaned up diet. Weight disappeared. Now have almost a 6 pack. I eat food that I love.

    Its simple. Count calories. Calculate your daily caloric burn. Subtract 500 calories from that. Eat that many calories. Adjust for workouts as needed.

  6. I still have them at 37, but it’s been a pretty reliable 6 pack since my teens. I work out much less these days – back and other health issues. Little more skin shows when I’m sitting but they’re there. Lost some weight the last couple months (health stuff), about 20 pounds. Seems like that’s chewed up some of my arm definition/chest, but my body leaves the abs alone.

    That’s a lot of exercise you’re doing. Fasting (coffee and water only) until 4pm, salad w chicken and low cal dressing really delivered results in my 20s/early 30s before gym then protein shake, free for all dinner by 8ish. Almost impossible to do that now, I’ll certainly admit that.

  7. Yes. Literally just track calories and eat at a deficit for a while. Exercise helps, but the most important factor is diet.

  8. > I do NOT count calories, I eat lots or bread, beer, wine, etc. I don’t count macro or any other stats.

    Change that, and get a good core workout.

  9. The only way I can do it is by calorie counting and tracking macros mixed with exercise. It’s a lot tougher in my 30s versus my 20s or teens.

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