I (22M) met 21F during the last month of my foreign internship in Canada (I’m originally from Germany) and we fell for each other pretty much immediately. She is originally from Mexico and is studying/planning to settle here.

Yesterday we had the dreaded grown up talk about where this is leading and we considered trying for a LDR. I am scared of regretting not having tried but I can’t rly see myself enduring it for more than 2 years. We both have about a year left in our degrees but she needs to work in canada for 1-2 years afterwards for her residency and I will probably do my masters abroad.

She says that she would consider moving to germany (she’s minoring in german), but she can’t commit to that yet which is obv. very reasonable. Still she would be down to give a LDR shot. She then said that it’s pretty much my choice since it would be my first real relationship and having that mostly LDR would shape me as a person a lot, her and her previous BF were LDR from mex-can for 1 year before they broke it off.

I am really struggling with what the move here is, it would be kinda crazy to commit to a \~2 year LDR from one month of dating and I know they have rly low success chances generally but on the other hand I have never liked a girl that I dated this much and I might regret it if I don’t give it a shot?

Would really appreciate your guys’ advice here since I dread making choice in general and this seems like the hardest one I ever had to make.

1 comment
  1. At your age, this is a big commitment. I would keep in touch with her as a friend and go about your lives, if something more comes of it in 2 years, great and if not, nothing lost on either side.

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