So not to spin around the bush, my friend is super toxic. It has led to me breaking contact with them for over a year, after that I slowly made contact again.

My biggest concern I have with my friend right now is the sheer selfishness. He won’t try anything new unless he is sure he likes it, which is fair enough, but he does expect me to join in to everything he likes even if I don’t.

Everytime I try to talk about something that I find interesting I am told to shut up since he doesn’t care, but just as I said before he thinks he should be able to talk about his interest even if I am not reslly interested and will get mad if I shut him down the same way he does, he will get angry and leave.

The thing that really pushes it is that I have decided to try something new, I want to try out twitch streaming, so I made myself a new logo and stuff.
First thing I hear about it is just him saying, “why would anyone want to watch you, I at least won’t”, and also immediately stated that he won’t give his opinion about my new designs for my logo which actually hurt more than I thought it would.

The reason I am asking is that if we do find something we are both passionate about it works out great, he is really nice, we both talk to each other about our days, and if we do find something we both like to do together it is really fun.

So yeah, I really don’t know what I should do anymore…

  1. Concentrate on yourself, life is too short to live it for other people in their shadow.

    He’s also potentially jealous you might make new friends, I made quite a few really positive friendships through Twitch and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Don’t give time to people who make you feel less than dude, you deserve better than that. Good luck with the twitch, and if Mr Negative decides to join chat and be an ass just ban him lmao problem solved

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