I don’t know how to talk to people. My whole life I’ve had pretty crippling social anxiety. Anytime I interact with people I always say the most basic things. “Hi, how are you doing? I’m fine etc” What I don’t understand is how people know what to say. I’m always paranoid and stressed out thinking about what to say and I just have no clue. I’ve watched a lot of videos on how to approach people, and get engaged in a conversation etc, but I can’t find anything that goes into detail on how to actually have a conversation. Even with most of my close relatives, I really can’t talk to them well. I also live in a fairly small town, so it’s pretty hard to meet people since we really don’t have many events or things like that. And even then, I’d probably screw it up anyway since I wouldn’t know what to say and it would end up being awkward anyway.

TLDR: I don’t know how to talk to people and I don’t know how to learn how.

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