me (23) and my bf (24) have been together for a year and a half now, and his family while very sweet are also very judgemental and needy towards him. his mom is constantly calling and texting him and getting upset when he doesn’t answer, even going as far as calling me out for not making him talk to her..

but mainly my issue besides that is he is supposed to be going on a camping trip with his younger sister, she is an adult (22) and so is he (24) and this is supposed to be like some big backpacking in the backroads trip, he’s excited so i bought him a bunch of things he needs, including a one person tent. he is thankful for all that i bought. but it turns out both his mom and his sister both thought they would be sharing a tent.

for some reason this bothers me. 1. cuz i spent money on a tent, i would like if he used it. 2. he doesn’t want to share a tent. 3. they are both adults. they don’t have to sleep in same tent. idk if i’m making a bigger deal than it needs to be either way, they are sleeping in separate tents. but i still just find it weird. especially because his sister says it’s “ridiculous” for them to sleep in different tents. like they haven’t shared a bed since he was 10 why is that so weird. plus he’s like any guy and gets morning wood, like it would make everyone uncomfortable.

idk someone tell me if i’m overreacting. i’m not planning to bring this up to anyone but i do want to know if i’m the one being weird about it.

TL;DR: bfs adult sister wants to share a tent..
on their one on on backpacking trip.

  1. there are tents that are big enough to fit more than one person so I don’t see the issue with them wanting to initially share a tent. It’s his mom and his sister, not some random flussy’s

  2. You can get family tents with separate sleeping compartments if that was an issue.

    I don’t think it’s a big deal whether they share a bigger tent or have their own individual tents. Like who cares 😂

    They probably just hoped they would share a tent so he would set it up and deconstruct it. Tents can be tricky and annoying to set up and put away if you don’t know what you’re doing.

    Either way I wouldn’t read too much into it

  3. i should add that he doesn’t want to share a tent, i asked him and he was like “why would we?”, my issue comes from them like bringing it up and calling it “ridiculous” that they aren’t.

    and i’m pretty sure she was thinking of the two person tent she shares with her boyfriend. that’s the only other tent she has besides her own one person.

    if it were a family tent it wouldn’t really matter, it doesn’t really even matter that much but i just think it weird why they even care that much.

  4. I’m with you — I think it’s weird that she was insistent on sharing a two-person tent. I have limited experience with tents, but I’m picturing a tent where there’s basically no room to spread out and *not* be touching each other. But on the other hand, I could see thinking that it’s easier to just carry one tent, wanting to be under the same roof to communicate if needed, etc. It sounds like the tent thing is resolved, so you should just let it go.

    It does sound like there are bigger issues, particularly with the mom, though. One thing I have learned in my many years of dating experience is that you do not want to be in a relationship with a momma’s boy. It sounds like she is *very* involved — even down to involving herself in this tent question. I think the important question is whether your boyfriend gives in and lets her have a big influence over him.

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