So 4 months ago I matched with this guy on Bumble and from there, we began texting all the time and seeing each other in person. He was super complimentary towards me and kept telling me he wanted to be with me; almost in a love-bombing way. We hung out a few times he then asked me to be his girlfriend and about two weeks later he broke up with me for being a virgin. (I posted about it 3 months ago)

The following weeks after the break up he continues to text me usually just asking how my day is and to talk about whatever. He asks if I want to come over to talk about things a few times but cancels on me multiple times. Before eventually just leaving me on read.

Two weeks after that he texted me asking if I wanted to get dinner with him I said yes and he later said he couldn’t because he had to work late. After that, we continued to text every day but he would take a while to answer and he wouldn’t initiate plans and if I tried he would come up with a reason on why he couldn’t. During this period he talks about sex a lot and that’s about as romantic as it got lmao. I then send him a long text saying that I can’t do this right now because of how anxious him not spending time with me and taking forever to text me back is making me feel. He told me he understood and I thought that would be the end but nope. He sends me a sext and I stupidly respond.

From there we talk but it’s super casual with occasional sexting after a few weeks of that he leaves me on read and I begin to move on but then he texts me asking for my about a movie and we continue to text from there and it repeats and he leaves me on read again.

Then again he texts me for a few days but this time he puts in some flirting just to leave me on read again.

Yesterday he texted me telling me that he misses me and really wants to see me I agreed to see him but he hasn’t picked a specific day or made actual plans he was super over the top yesterday with tons of texts and compliments. Like switched up super fast and today he has been super dry.

As for my feelings, I do think he and I get along and have similar interests, and if we had just stayed together originally we would have been fine but I feel like he’s just using me at this point.

TLDR: My ex is super hot and cold and won’t commit to plans

Should I ask him about this or just ignore him?

  1. I agree that he is probably just using you. Dump him. Block him. Ignore him. Don’t even say goodbye. Ghost him. Move on.

  2. This guys sounds like a nightmare, geesh. I think u like the hot n cold treatment becuz u keep responding to him every time. You should find someone who treats u better n doesnt consistently bail on you.

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