I’ve always been the perfect kid. Good grades. Excellent manners. Never drank or smoked or done drugs/weed ever. Very ambitious. Never been a relationship.At 18, I got a scholarship to go study abroad. A few months before traveling, I met this older guy and we started dating. I felt so safe and got all the love and attention I yearned for as a child (now I realized it’s due to serious daddy issues) he was good to me even after I moved to the new country. Our relationship flourished and he was my first. The relationship was for over 2 years. I ended things with him because we were clearly falling out of love. The issue is that during our LD relationship we exchanged intimate photos. I did it out of impulse now I regret it everyday. I deleted all of his but I’m afraid that mine might get leaked later in future and ruin my life. I trust him but it’s the internet and that is literally the first thing I’ve ever done without thinking about consequences. I will be travelling back home next summer and I’m sure we would bump into each other more than once. I’m thinking of asking him to delete those photos right in front of me permanently you know to be a bit safe but I’m scared because next summer is a long time from now and anything can happen. His phone may get hacked or something? What do you advise?

1 comment
  1. Forgive yourself for sending them, don’t get into politics, and look into your home country’s laws about revenge porn (i.e., posting someone’s intimate media without consent) for some potential reassurance.

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