Men who groom or don’t groom below the belt. Why or why not?

  1. I absolutely keep it all freshly trimmed. It feels better to have shorter, well kept hair than long hair, and aesthetically, it just looks better. I look bigger, she’s not worried about getting hair in her mouth. It’s a win win.

  2. It stinks, I feel like I smell significantly better when I manscape. I shave my pits too applying deodorant to the skin is way more effective.

  3. Real answer here. I get bad jock itch anytime I manscape. Without the hair to wick away moisture, it’s inevitable. I’ve tried ball powder, medicated ball powder, thrown out old underwear, hot wash my new underwear, used prescription treatments (these work), everything. But 10/10 times when I trim, I get jock itch.

  4. Yes, because it feels irritating in my underwear if I let things get too shaggy down there. It’s mostly just a matter of personal comfort.

  5. Where would you stop when there’s hair everywhere? Be weird to have a blad patch in the middle with hairy chest and legs. Also never been a problem with women and it keeps it warm in winter. Honestly I’d like to see more bush on women again better than having stubble downthere.

  6. I wax the balls, shaft and outer pubic area. I’m too afraid to put a razor to my balls.

    Then I trim the actual pubes left.

    I do it because it feels cleaner, I hate having hair on my balls and it seems women appreciate it. The most enthusiastic blowjob I’ve gotten is from a chick who has never been with a guy who waxed. Deep throated and gagged and all that.

  7. I certainly do. Once you get use to it, it’s like a fresh haircut upstairs. It just feels proper and kept, I like esthetics, so it checks the box. My problem is I’ve done it for so long now I feel like my legs should match suit. Not sure how that would be accepted since everyone would clearly see it. Not sure if anyone else that trims has had this conundrum with the leg hair too.

  8. If there’s a chance someone will see me naked, I groom and tidy up.

    It’s been years since I thought there was a chance someone would see me naked. It’s basically jumanji down there.

  9. I don’t like body hair. The only thing stopping me from shaving everything from the neck down is how much time it would take to maintain.

  10. I’ll find that gradually I get more and more stressed and irritable until I realise that my balls are incredibly itchy. 10 mins with the hair removal cream and my mood is back to blue skies and big dreams.

  11. 25 years ago a girl told me it made giving oral a more pleasant experience so she did it more often and that it made it look bigger. Have kept it trimmed to about a #2 guard length since that night.

  12. If I don’t I get itchy as fuck & it’s really hard not to scratch my balls in public situations without looking like a creepy fuck

  13. I trim, shave and Veet various areas downstairs and nobody has even seen it for like, 2 years? (Urgh has it really been that long?!) I prefer the feel, nothing to snag and it’s easier to clean.

  14. I trim, women are more willing to go deeper if they’re not contending with a pube to the eye.

  15. If I’m dating someone then I’ll shave my balls, if I’m not dating anyone I don’t see the point

  16. I can’t stand it when it gets too long. Much prefer it shaved or close to it. Same for my armpits. If I didn’t already shave my head (I’m mostly bald) and didn’t have a thick beard to keep up with, I’d probably shave my legs too. I dislike body hair in general.

  17. The wife enjoys me with a bit of a bush. I’m not a huge fan of it, just looks messy. So I’ll give her a couple weeks of no trimming. Then trim it down and let it grow back and then give her a couple more weeks and repeat.

  18. Okay my question is how. Gimme the technique, do I just shorten the hair to a reasonable length but not touch up the distribution? I need to find that balance between “overgrown grandpa bush” and “over stylized pube landscaper”.

  19. I groom, but always get ingrown hairs. I hate the way a bush feels down there, and absolutely HATE ingrown hairs. So, it’s kinda a lose lose.

    How do y’all stop ingrown hairs?

  20. I lop it all off with the Norelco Oneblade. I like my girl hairless so I let her choose her preference and that was no hair.

  21. In the hopes that my wife will notice that I still have a very pleasant “below the belt”.

    Ron Howard voice: She hasn’t.

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