Most of my classmates have been really shitty to me. Whenever I’d say something or make a grammar mistake (For context, I’m a foreigner in Germany), they’d make fun of me for it and mimic my errors for days. Sometimes they’d make fun of my nationality and say stupid shit about it (for example they’d talk about how all people in my country are stupid because of one guy’s actions). Whenever I’d call them out on it, they’d made me look like I’m the bad guy and they’re the victims.

It has lowered my self-esteem recently and made me feel insecure. I really want to know why they’re being awful to me and how can I stop it.

  1. They’re being immature. Don’t let them get to you or make you feel insecure about yourself because they’re not worth it. Report their behavior to your teacher the next time this happens. Don’t be afraid to speak up about it especially if they won’t stop.

  2. You could inform the instructor so they intervene when they witness it. Build your social support outside of these jerks.

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