People who didn’t try to find a partner , did you end up alone and regret it ?

  1. No.

    Physical and emotional intimacy is nice, so is sharing great moments with your s/o but all the hassle and stress plus the lack of independence that stems from a relationship doesn´t make me want it.

    I´m fine with being alone overall.

  2. No, not alone. My relationships just kind of happened as a side effect of socializing. They weren’t something I actively tried to find.

  3. I got married because that’s what we’re told we’re supposed to want in life lol and soon found out I hated it and was more happy being single. I dated lots to make sure it wasn’t just a wrong person type scenario, and sure enough, I just love being single lol. So nope! I’m happy as can be!

  4. Am alone and learning not to regret it in case I remain single for the long term.

  5. After so many bad dates (mostly from dating sites) I kind of gave up on dating and that’s when I met my wife

  6. The saying goes in my country : “Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné”

    Which basically means “Better be alone than in bad company”

    So far, being alone has proven to be better than in bad company or being bad company to someone else.

  7. Nope. I love to talk to new people, and some women think I’m funny. I’ve pretty much fallen into every relationship I’ve ever had. Some really bad. some good. It’s been fine.

    Woman are just people. All you have to do is not give a shit when you get rejected.

  8. I have been in relationships with some very wonderful women. However, my ADHD comes in an ruins it. Either I am constantly late, it’s hard for me to respond to things because my brain gets overloaded and it short circuits, I’m not communicating enough, or I am not doing something that I didn’t know I should be doing.

    I still go on dates, mainly to have a fun conversation over a drink. But I know, I didn’t say the right words, for her to decide we should go on a second date. I’ll get ghosted or get a text that she doesn’t think we’re a good fit.

  9. I didn’t try… she found me at my job an I went on the hunt an captured her.. married still 13 years later

  10. My goal in life was to get out of poverty, move to a place I like and have a tolerable job that gave me enough money and free time to reasonably dig into personal likes and interests. I’m there. I think some people that are familiar with my life think it is sad, but I’m satisfied. This is what I want.

    I didn’t learn I was autistic until I was an adult but looking back, a lot of the social difficulties were always there. I just assumed everyone fought through them every day. In any case, relationships are unfathomable to me. I don’t have the capacity to explain why in a way that everyone would understand.

  11. I stopped trying for a few years in my late 20s after a bad breakup. In that time period, I had nothing in the way of a relationship. No flirting, nothing. Still talked to women, of course, just to be friendly and never even got hit on.

    The whole “it’ll happen when you’re not looking” is complete bullshit because most women refuse to try and pursue a man.

  12. In my mid-20s right now so the jury’s still out on this one, but so far I feel pretty great. All the free time I can get, zero obligations, I have money to buy what it is I want unlike my married/taken coworkers and friends, zero drama or stress of trying to maintain a relationship. My time is mine alone and there’s only one person I have an obligation to answer or make time for and that’s my mom.

  13. I have never tried except for occasional hitting on a woman , and that’s how I got my gf. I never went out with the mindset, “I need to find a woman”, just sort of happened

  14. Somewhat regret it but with a relationship comes all the judgements and expectations. I wont lie and saying im completely happy as a life long single but I do suffer from anxiety and in general I am not that confident around people therefore it would be disastrous to be in a situation like that.

  15. Been living alone for so long that I don’t think I could live with someone else if I wanted to.

  16. I temporarily stop dating until I get my life fully in order because I’ve realized that if I want to obtain/attract the caliber of woman I want, I need to have my shit together and be making more money than I’m currently making…that’s the uncomfortable truth that I’ve had to accept, either settle for someone I wouldn’t be happy with or work my ass off and attract someone I want

    I’m 35, good-looking, and in great shape, I have no problem dating/finding attractive women but financially I’m not where I want to be and so that’s my focus right now…I’d love to meet someone right now and build something meaningful with them but the reality is that most attractive women wait at the finish line and pick the winner…they want someone who makes more than them, they want a bit of security and that’s not something I can give right now

    90% of divorces are initiated by women, and the leading cause of divorce is finances…Money isn’t everything but it sure fixes a lot of things and reduces the stress/pressure on couples

  17. Never tried to find/ pursue a girl in my life. They have always made themselves available to me. These are good looking and attractive girls. I find the average/ ugly girls to be difficult to work with or engage with when dealing with services – like admin, retail and hospitality. It makes sense as ugly people are unhappy deep inside and don’t like the world. I imagine these people would be hell to date, no?

  18. When i didnt try is when i found my partner. Life just clicked into place. I realize doing things and going places with a partner is much better than going alone imo.

  19. I don’t regret being single because it’s always been that way. never had a long term partner. I’m content with my solitude.

  20. Still not trying. Still single. I’m pretty close to family. Not that I don’t want something one day, but that I just don’t have the interest in seeking one out or in anyone I’ve met thus far. Can’t really say I regret something if I had no interest in the alternatives.

  21. I found the ORB of all knowing. I am one with reality and with these powers I finally order pizza over the phone without feeling anxious about it.

  22. Stopped looking for a relationship after one of my exs cheated on me. Years went by and I ended up in a fwb situation with another ex (from high school) as she just needed a physical release and she trusted me since we broke up under good terms. Shit did not end well as i got way too attached and got really hurt when she slept around with other guys and told me about it and compared me to them. Fucked with my shit so much that I’ve been avoiding anything romantic for years now.

  23. I ended up alone and miserable, but I don’t regret it because every reason why I chose not to try to find someone is as true today or moreso than when I decided to never try at sixteen. I wish I didn’t feel the way I do or act the way I am, but finding someone wouldn’t fix me and would only ruin someone else’s life, so I’m not going to do that.

  24. I spent my early 20s convinced that I should just focus on study and work and figuring my life out before I worry about finding a partner. That soon got very lonely and I’ve only recently started seeing someone more seriously in my late 20s

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