I’m with this guy for 5years.
I see him as my soulmate. He is really nice to me 🥰
Recently we start talking about our future after dating for years….
But i am frus cause he is going back to his own motherland in few more months. His parents are finding him the “ perfect “ wife that has same culture and religion as he was.
The reason why the both of us did not tell our parents about this relationship was because we low key know our parents might not like each other due to our belief and culture…..
Before he gone back to where-ever he is from, he tells me that he can slowly “ breaking up” with me. So even before we start our “LDR” , I am able to get out from this relationship……
The things is I don’t have a valid reason for me to break up with him. We love each other so much… but how……?

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