Just curious because I’m a girl and I wouldn’t meet up with a guy I’m not interested in on the weekends.
I guess like hanging out or lunch / dinner during weekday is fine just as friends but not on the weekends for me. I’ve asked this to my girlfriends and they said they’re the same.
So like when I’m interested in a guy I would always ask them to meet on a weekend but I’m not sure if guys are also like this??

  1. When I was in my 20s-30s, yes, I used to spend social time on the weekends with my 100% platonic female friends.

  2. Why does the weekend suddenly turn not ok? Do men magically only wanna fuck on the weekends but go back to friend mode during the weekdays? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me. The day of the week means absolutely nothing in terms of being a friendly hangout versus a romantic hangout; if we’re friends, we’re friends regardless of the day. Sometimes the only time I have to hang out with friends – male or female – due to our schedules would be the weekend, other times it would be a weekday.

    I’d recommend taking some time to reflect on why you attach certain expectations to days of the week.

  3. Pretty regularly for me. I have no romantic interest in her and (I assume) she has no romantic interest in me. Her personal life is a bit of a mess at the moment anyway.

    I personally don’t see any issue with this on my end assuming people are honest.

  4. I would with only one girl – a best friend I’ve had since high school and have known for over two decades. She was even in our wedding. Otherwise, no.

  5. I *think* what you’re getting at is that your weekend time is precious and you have a lot of other things you can be doing then, so you don’t want to waste that time on someone you’re not interested in, correct? If so, that makes some sense, but a lot of people (men and women) don’t have that much going on, even on weekends, so they’re going to be more inclined to spend time with whoever is willing to hang out with them. Or they are just really good platonic friends and want to hang out, no different than if it was hanging out with a friend of the same gender.

  6. I spend whole weekends with friend girls I don’t intend to date, fuck or marry. Neither sex should limit themselves to only romantic encounters. We have a lot to learn from one another.

  7. Sure, if they’re friends. My wife is not a hiker. I used to go hiking with one of my female friends from high school. Never anything between us.

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