I (M22) just started college this week. The classmate in question is in my Math and Business class. In math, we have had to take tests to qualify on specific skills with calculators. I did fine, but she wanted help with a few of the skills, she also had some admin related things for the class that she went to me for instead of a friend of hers(kind of) sitting to her right. This is all first week and im basing alot of this behavior on a good natured personality.

Now to business class 2 days later. Teacher had us up and around the classroom for little activities, but I still had multiple occasions where it looked like she was stealing looks. Near the end of class our eyes met and I pulled away first, however it was due to the teacher making an announcement, I just so happened react obsurdly fast. Immediately after, I looked back smiling, she diddnt look away the whole time. Her gaze wasnt judging or indifferent, it was more curious, edging on prurient.

IDK but I just want some advice on if I should ignore or be passive till i know more.
(Help me out ya’ll!)

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