I’m a 18 yr old, jus started college today but I feel so left out …when I see ppl around my age in a relationship. I really want that experience to feel loved. nothing romantic has ever happened to me before. i want someone to love me more than I love them , to be hugged, and to be spoiled, I just feel like I don’t have anyone, if only I didn’t have social anxiety my life would have been so much better(it is getting better tho)

  1. From what ive read ive reached to a conclusion and this is just me i could be wrong! You’re actually feeling under valued and You want to feel more valued! While relationships can help you gain that, it doesnt necessarily mean it will! What you need are a good set of friends for you! I believe if a group beings to invite you more often! Make plans with you! Show support, you’ll change your mind about relationships! As for wanting a girl! It just happens no one can force it!

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