This is causing me a lot of anxiety. I really need to tell him how I feel. I’ve tried to do it in person a few times now and I cannot bring myself to do it. I told myself I’d say it last night but I got very nervous and wanted to throw up. I just ended up being very quiet for the evening because I was thinking about it and he thought something was wrong. I ended up just telling him I was in a quiet mood but that nothing was wrong. I struggle a lot with rejection and naturally this is a big risk. We’ve been seeing one another since March so I don’t feel like it’s too soon & I’ve thought about this a lot and I am sure of my feelings. I have never said it first to anyone and I just think it would be easier to say over the phone.

TLDR; is it ok if I told my bf that I loved him for the first time over the phone?

  1. Yes.

    Look, sharing how you feel about someone is scary as fuck, I absolutely get that. But you love this man, and as a man who’s heard it, don’t wait because despite what some might say, we love it when or at least I do hear when I hear it from my wife.

    It’s an emotionally vulnerable thing to do, but if you don’t say it then you won’t know how he responds, so if you’re sure you feel love for him then tell him and be emotionally prepared for whatever comes next.

    Please post back as to how it went, no matter what.

  2. Be honest with him.

    But as someone who totally choked telling my now husband I loved him, I feel for you, 100%.

    I want to say: when we finally said it, it’s one of my most cherished memories. Just how right it felt and how happy we both were to know we feel the same about each other.

    We did do it face to face, and I think maybe you should try to do it casually. A, “and that’s why I love you” moment will come up. Just blurt it out.

    But if you can’t, text is okay! There’s nothing wrong with doing it that way and then having your own face to face moment later.

    You got this! Remember: no matter what happens, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being honest about how you feel with the person who makes you feel that way. 💖

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