Do you often see fireflies/lightning bugs in the summer where you live?

  1. Here in North Texas, I wouldn’t say “often”, but they do come out every now and then. Everyone gets kind of excited to see em.

  2. Not anymore. We learned in 8th grade they were decimated by fire ants. Idk if it’s true.

  3. Yes but there aren’t as many as there used to be due to things like increased urban development and light pollution.

  4. Yes but I’ve noticed that they’re progressively becoming less common over the years.

  5. None that I’ve ever seen in Florida. When I was a kid in New Jersey I remember seeing them. I’ll gladly trade anyone some love bugs for lightning bugs though.

  6. We get lots in my yard. My neighbors who have their yards sprayed for mosquitos don’t get so many fireflies

  7. Not really that common where I live in Florida. I have seen some north of Orlando though, but not that many.

    What we do have near me is bioluminescence. It’s incredible to see in real life

  8. We definitely get them but there’s a ton of variation in where there will be lots. I’m in a suburb and my backyard gets hundreds at night, but you can see where they stop at the borders to my neighbor’s yard, and I’m not sure why. I’ve never seen the neighbor spray pesticides or anything.

    My FILs house is in the boonies in MO on a big patch, and they have thousands and thousands at night.

  9. There where many more when I was a kid but I still see them near water.

  10. Nope. I did not even notice that they don’t exist here until I went back to visit where I grew up in the midwest during the summer and saw a bunch.

  11. Sadly they are not a thing in New Mexico. I have always wanted to see them

  12. I live in illinois. When I was a kid, there were TONS of fireflies, but now as I get older, and with climate change, I’m seeing less and less fireflies in the summer

  13. Mostly while driving. I don’t go outside that often when it’s completely dark because I get decimated by mosquitoes.

  14. Grew up in Central Iowa and now live in Eastern Iowa. Yes, every summer. They are beautiful.

  15. From Pennsylvania. I live in a more rural area, so yes, I see them a lot during late summer; especially while going for a walk at dusk.

  16. We moved from Chicago to Southern Indiana last year and were delighted when they lit up our backyard woods every night for a month.

    Edit: We saw some last weekend!

  17. Used to see them a lot in Virginia. We used to catch them and put them in Mason Jars. I’d catch like 50-100 in a single night. Now in the summer I’ll be lucky to see any and when I do it’s only a few of them.

    I don’t hear crickets chirping anymore either.

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