To summarize a long time ago I used to infodump in whatever situation to deal with my social anxiety at that particular situation. I managed to suppress that for a long time, however, it has come back. I think this is because I met a girl that is very similar to me in terms of personality, and I guess my system is just trying to deal with that by resurrecting the infodumping behavior to deal with social anxiety once again. I recently infodumped so much that I revealed a bunch of things to a random dude just because I felt the need to “socially apologize” after getting into an awkward situation with him, so I ended up having a one hour long infodumping conversation, that provided him with a lot of information that he shouldn’t have been provided with (not because he’s bad or anything, it’s just because he’s a random dude, and therefore I would have preferred to keep all that to myself).

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