How many of you guys have ever had to couch surf between friends and relatives? How did it get to that point? When did it finally stop?

  1. I couch surfed while I could, But never more than 1 night every 2 weeks. So a lot of times I was sleeping in my car.

    I started doing Labor Ready until I could land a job. Showered at the gym. Had a prepaid cell phone. After about 8 months was able to start renting a room.

  2. It happened to me. I had a few friends nice enough to let me crash until I got a job. I was fine renting with someone else after. These days unless you have a mid level to mastery level experience in a job, you’re gonna be splitting bills with someone. That’s true for at least where I live.

  3. for about six weeks stayed with friends and then family after leaving my physically abusive ex whom i lived with. sucked. couldn’t find a job. finally moved to another city where i knew absolutely no one and still didn’t have a job, but desperately wanted to escape my miserable life and rebuild.

  4. It’s happened two or three times. I’ve also been totally outdoors homeless too.

    It first got to that point at 16 when I left home with no job experience, again at 18 when I moved across the country with no money or support network, and then *again* at 20 when I moved back to my home state after a breakup. Since then I’ve been able to hold it down and keep a roof over my head.

  5. I had to move to a new cojntry, went to cousins house, then met a friend, stayed with him, travelled to a city, met people, stayed there, clnew city, new people, new couch, until I finally got a stable job, a GF, 3 cats and a dog 🙂

  6. When I got my job in The City, I stayed on my friend’s couch until I got my first paycheck and found an apartment. He ended up charging me rent. I don’t think we agreed to that up front, but w/e. I paid him a few hundred.

  7. When I ran away from foster care, I spent nearly a year couch surfing with friends or living on the street etc

    Got out of it by finding a sales job, and a boss who really cared about me who become like a mentor and surrogate father to me who taught me how to be financially stable and get myself on my feet

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