my (22m) girlfriend (17f) doesn’t want to use any protection during sex. I love my girlfriend more than my life, I feel comfortable with her in every aspect, but for some reason she doesn’t want to use any protection during sex. When I ask her why, she replies that she just doesn’t like condons and the pills have too bad side effects.

Was anyone in a similar situation and somehow persuaded his partner to change?

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  2. surely, the fact that she doesn’t wanna use protection isn’t the only thing worrying you- right?

  3. Everyone saying she is too young, keep in mind it depends where they are located. Most places it’s 18, but there are places where it’s 17, and some even younger.

  4. There are a number of US states where the age of consent is only 16. Grass on the field, play ball.

  5. Now that the legal aspect is being moderated, in terms of her not wanting to use protection of any kind, I would see that as a major red flag.

    All I can think of is relaying your concerns to her about bon-protective sex. If she refuses to budge, you probably have to choose between risking it and just abstaining. Personally, I would abstain from PIV sex, but other things I would be open to. That includes oral, if both of you are open or into to it, anal, mutual masterbation, etc. There is a lot of stuff that can be done outside of traditional PIV sex.

  6. Look she is either intentionally or unintentionally going to be a mother if you go along with her.

    Condoms suck and are not 100%. But, do you want to have kids that is how you have kids. Kind of feel like she is trying to get a kid by you to marry her.

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