What have they done which has particularly pissed you off?

  1. I strongly dislike a teaching assistant at school.

    They basically don’t believe special needs or mental health exists (they’re all attention seekers and choose to misbehave).

    She also doesn’t use CPOMs and claims you can’t use it on your phone (those who know what that means, yep. No idea how she gets away with that).


  2. He acted like the teacher’s pet at school, but we were both on our mid 20s. Would CC in our manager or else make sure our manager was within earshot if he thought I’d made a mistake, no matter how small and insignificant. Had a smarmy smile every time and used to do a weird head shake thing when doing so. Twat.

  3. Because they forget shit that I have to pick up, they are really abrupt and talk without speaking, rubbing lots of people the wrong way.

    But because of their close relationship with the head of department, nothing will come of it.

  4. That one guy that drones on and on in meetings. He’s good at his job but a terrible communicator. He has really loud tantrums and scares people a bit.

  5. One of my old managers would come over and say “can you set up a meeting with me, you, bob and Jim”

    and stand there until I’d done it,

  6. Hates a strong word, but this woman really annoys me. She is extremely religious (christian) and I don’t mind that but she judges people for living together before marriage etc. She is also extremely snobby. She’s one of those that grew up poor and has made something of herself and is now a complete snob, they are the WORST lol.

  7. Wouldn’t go as far as “hate” but I wouldn’t go for a beer with the guy that makes openly racist statements in the middle of an open office.

  8. Wouldn’t say hate . But you know the one person who asks a question at the end of a meeting , normally just coz they just like the sound of their own voice . Yeah that one .

  9. The job I just left…quite a few but to name 2

    One is just lazy which is a massive pain as a teacher because there in action then makes it a problem I have to solve. Parents hounding you over issues she needs to solve (it is in the policy).

    The other never apologises for a mistake. This wouldn’t be a problem if he wasn’t so good dam useless. I have never seen someone on SLT be so ineffective and visionless

  10. Not so much hate, but find incredibly irritating. They claim to be always busy yet are extremely lazy and have the lightest workload, constantly complain about no-one helping them – their work isn’t as time sensitive as other work going on, and they do get help when it can be provided but they never help out others. They’re also very manipulative.

  11. Only ever hated one guy at work when I was about 17.

    Bloke was just genuinely rude to everyone he met. He’d ask you to do things by saying “do dis”. I suspect he was a bit mentally impaired, but it became unbearable to work with someone who struggled to follow basic instructions and commanded you around like he was your boss.

  12. They spend all day every day complaining about having no money and then go on holiday 5 or 6 times a year. And we aren’t talking about Skegness, we are talking about America, Australia or Greece as a minimum.

  13. Because as their supervisor I could trace back virtually everything that went wrong to that twat. We had to do root cause analysis on all unforseen events and could be seven steps away but it always stopped with him. He’d been moved out of a previous department for similar problems.

    Was also a skiver who worked the sick policy to the max so had at least 2.5 years off in every 5 year period. Would come in, fuck something up, go sick and it might be months before we could catch up with him.

  14. There’s no need to talk that loudly to someone who is sitting right next to you, especially in an open-plan office, especially when you’re complaining that you shouldn’t have to pay tax on the shares daddy got you

  15. Boss’s friend used to moan constantly about another worker. When he retired, she needed a new target and I got the short straw. Went from being her friend to her worst enemy overnight for no reason, publicly berating me for years on end, and offering sweeties to everyone else in the office so they won’t argue with her.

    I don’t know what’s worse… the abuse, or the silent complicity from my other colleagues so they don’t get on the wrong side of her too.

  16. He is one of those people who functions as an “addition by subtraction”. Everything is easier when he isn’t there. Lazy, incompetent (but also confident)… completely useless.

  17. He took my work and passed it off as his own. Got major praise etc. I didn’t call him out, because at the time he was a senior to me, and I was new.

    He also sent an email dissing something I created and shared with the wider team. Others in the team liked what I’d done and use the model to this very day.

    So, I don’t hate him, per se, but he’s a dick and I ignore him. Maybe a smidge of hate…

  18. I hate her because she should have retired about 15 years ago. She actively hates children. And we work in a school. She is vile to all the members of staff, but gets away with it because “that’s just how she is”.

    I’m actually leaving next week partly because I cannot stand to be around this woman.

  19. He’s a bellend, he bullies his staff, he thinks he’s an expert but he’s actually crap at his job. He thinks he’s a Slytherin but he’s actually a squib (metaphorical, I don’t think we’re actually living in the fictional Harry Potter universe). He is extremely disparaging about people who are actually doing a very good job and he’s the reason so many of our staff have left in the past two years.

  20. She doesn’t shut the fuck up. Ever. 75% of the time she’s not even talking to anyone in particular, she’s just shouting whatever stupid thought comes into her mind. She mainly complains about stuff that nobody has any control over, and every day it’s something new. Today it’s the lack of external fire exit in our 5th floor office that was built in the 80s. What is anyone supposed to do? Just bolt on a staircase to the exterior of the building? Drives me nuts

  21. The newly promoted manager that was ‘one of us’; that now won’t having anything to do with their former colleagues, has changed their mannerisms and demeanour to match with the higher ups, backs every single thing the directors says without any push back and generally brown noses the management.

    You we’re slagging them off and frustrated as hell two weeks ago! Now you’re their attack dog! Give me a break.

  22. Guy I was doing a training course with this year, we were all learning from exactly the same materials, but the teacher would ask a question, and he would pipe up and regurgitate the material (sometimes word-for-word) but with this tone of voice like he had thought of it all himself, was gracing us all with his knowledge, and my god wasn’t he clever. 😌

    Some classes we would have, teacher would ask the class a question and he would answer it, straight away, one after the other without giving anybody else a chance to pipe up. Teacher didn’t care enough to ask that someone else get a turn (and I don’t blame her, life’s too short). But my god it wound me up.

  23. She’s late 30s and English. About five years ago she started talking with an American valley girl accent and a vocal fry. I can’t even listen to her talk.

  24. At risk of being downvoted, the ones who go off for long periods citing mental health, everytime they have a deadline.

    At some point you just have to accept that you can’t do the job. Don’t just expect all your colleagues to drop everything to wipe your arse.

  25. I’ve left now but he was the 17 year old office junior who chucked a MASSIVE tantrum because he was expected to take his turn washing the coffee cups. He had never had to clean anything at home because of his religion and at first the boss (same religion) laughed it off and was going to let him get away with it. The boss soon realised an office full of legal secretaries on a go slow was a bigger problem. I had to teach the overgrown toddler how to wash up.

  26. No hate, just think he’s pretty useless.

    In a team meeting he every minute you hear a hmm come from him. He has to be told multiple times and in various different ways how to do the basic parts of his job. He’ll tattle to the boss if you take a longer break but not when he does it.

    Just a lot of little things that make him altogether annoying to work with

  27. Brown nosers and sycophants get my goat, we have a temp with us that previously climbed so far every managers arse his toenails were barely visible, he’s doing it again, plus states he would throw anyone under a bus for a full time job. Utter prick.

  28. I once worked for a small company. We used to take it in turns to make the tea/coffee.

    All except one. He never did. He would rather die of thirst than make drinks for everyone else.

    One week I gave him decaff Monday to Thursday. Friday he got double strength Columbian.

    Come the afternoon he was outside having a full on panic attack, paper bag, the whole works.

    I didn’t feel guilty, in fact I was quite proud.

  29. Asks too many questions and is generally nosey about things that don’t concern them.

    Announces my arrival/departure and whatever time it is to everyone in the office.

    Reports every little thing I do/say

    Plays the radio on some crappy station

  30. Not one particular person, but three (2 team leaders and a manager), mainly because they don’t want to train more people on specific critical roles, since we have the bare minimum number of people… Every time one of us 5 people trained in those roles is missing (absent, holiday, or emergency), everything goes to shit 🤣 but they always play it down as “it happened just that one time”. But that “one time” happens at least once every two weeks. Happened twice this week alone 😅

    Don’t think they’ve realized yet that one of us is gonna take the whole September off, and another is gonna reduce his hours (personal reasons). That’s gonna be fun 🫢

  31. Officious little man, walks like his underpants have ridden up, stands bouncing his leg so it looks like he’s quivering, nasal whiny voice.

    Plus he stole my stapler

  32. This guy will NOT shut the fuck up.
    He has an opinion on *everything*.
    Despite the fact that he has literally just qualified, he is the expert.
    He tried to explain to me, a 20 year veteran teacher with a decade or more of special ed experience, plus a Master’s degree in special ed, that my approach to teaching a particular class was wrong.
    I listened, then tactfully explained why *he* was wrong and offered to let him watch me teach so he could see why I’m doing what I do, but he refused because *clearly I don’t want to use peer feedback to improve my classroom practice*.
    Fucker got his teaching certificate 2 months ago.
    It’s going to be a loooong school year…

  33. The “cheer up” person. So unrelentingly positive about everything that you know their soul must be a dark void of emptiness.

  34. Hate is a very strong word but I can’t stand the guy who makes really sexist remarks all the time to myself and the other female coworkers. When called out on it, he claims its due to cultural differences. He is one of many Muslim members of the organisation and has lived in the UK since he was a child and he is now in his 40s.

  35. My ex boss (I still work for the same place, but in a different team) used to refuse to train me and then would gaslight me in front of government employees (we worked for gov’t) telling me it was really bad that I didn’t know how to do basic shit.

    She learned that I sang in clubs on the weekend and asked me to show her my setlists on Spotify, I asked if it would get flagged with ICT if I was using gov’t systems to access non-work related stuff and she said it wouldn’t be a problem, and then later down the line she sacked me. One reason she gave was that I was using government property to access personal/non-work-related things “like Spotify”.

    There are many more examples I could give. This was 4 years ago and I *thoroughly* enjoy my current job in a different department so I never have to speak to her but I still fucking despise her. Her treatment led to me having a breakdown and I’ll never forgive her for it.

  36. Fortunately she resigned but it was at the point where I hated working with her and was thinking of leaving. She undermined me, she reframed my words to mean something else then threw that thing back at me. She was rude, selfish, talked endlessly about herself, expected to start every meeting by having a check in which was her talking about herself for 20 mins then no one saying much and nothing getting done. Her resigning made me so incredibly happy. So much toxicity in one human being.

  37. I’ve since left, but when I was pregnant I kept getting unhelpful advice from a colleague. I’d politely explain how I had low blood pressure and sodium so my doc was actively encouraging me to have a little more salt in my food/electrolytes as I had severe morning sickness and couldn’t keep any food down. She went around telling everyone how much of a terrible mother I’d be and how I was poisoning my child. Didn’t like her much after that…

  38. Miserable and consistently negative, it breeds negativity and drags everyone down. Fuck off.

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