Hi all!
I’m wanting to get my hair braided before my upcoming trip because it makes travel much easier… I was planning to do some fun colors (blue probably), but was unsure if that would be deemed inappropriate of sorts? I’ve been to Europe plenty of times and don’t know that I’ve seen people with dyed hair a lot, but also wasn’t necessarily looking for it if that makes sense. I don’t want to come across as obnoxious haha

I’ll be in The Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Switzerland.

Do you think I should just go with a regular color and save the crazy stuff for another time or am I overthinking this?
Thanks ◡̈

  1. You are overthinking it… We don’t discriminate based on hair colour. In my country there used to be rule that you can’t work as a prison officer with bright unnatural hair colours but even that is not the case any more. Not too sure about extreme catholics in central Europe though… but I think you can still visit churches and monasteries, at least if you cover your hair.

  2. Nah, you’re good. I guess you’re talking about colourful braid-ins? They’re not so uncommon, but it’s true that most people you see have more natural looking extensions.

    It’s true that dyeing with vivids isn’t so popular here, but as someone who used to dye her hair, my guess is just that people don’t tend to stick to something that requires such an annoying upkeep and expense. Most people go blond (or *blonder*), or go for auburn.

  3. The fad is over, but I still see girls with cyan and magenta hair every day. There’s one walking along the opposite side of the river right now.

    Pseudo-African braids with colorful seaweed “hair” braided in are also common around sea resorts here.

  4. people of all ages with bright hair colors can be seen everywhere. It’s less popular for men but not unheard of.

    If you’re fine standing out in *Poland* you’re probably gonna be fine standing out anywhere in Western Europe

  5. The only thing is perhaps that bright hair colours like blue, purple and pink in combination with a shorter haircut tends to be somewhat associated with lesbians, radical feminism, and women with an alternative or radical lifestyle. Although with longer, braided hair perhaps not as much. Of course, it is highly unlikely that anyone would treat you badly because of that, but perhaps it’s something to be aware of at least.

  6. I come from Eastern Europe, Bulgaria to be exact.

    Even tho I’m probably not qualified enough to answer your question, I can definitely tell you one thing – nobody is going to give a flying f<>k 😂

    Considering how widely accepted it is in a conservative country such as ours, I don’t think you’re gonna have any problems in the more progressive and open-minded parts of Europe

  7. When I see someone with colorful hair, my first thought is mostly “Ho, University student have a party that night” ; but that was that way in my uni. So bad habit XD

    But globaly, people will look at you a bit, bc it’s not so commun, and continue with their business, because we don’t care about what you do with your body.

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