I’m curious about the day in the life of someone who is relatively “fit”. What do you eat, how long do you exercise and how do you treat yourself? What’s your diet, schedule, balance like?

  1. Super thin and relatively fit are very different. What my super thin cousin does to try to stay fit is consume a crap ton of calories and fat because it’s nearly impossible for her to gain weight and if she doesn’t maintain a particular weight she’ll be hospitalized

  2. I’m not sure about super thing, but to stay healthy and fit I try and eat healthy everyday. Also, I exercise everyday. I swim, play volleyball, and go to the gym. I think that mind and body are connected so I try and keep both mentally and physically active. It works well for me.

  3. I work out every other day, not for long, maybe half an hour. I just do some sort of ab workout, like scissor kicks, and squats with a band around my legs while holding a weight. I am lazy so my diet is easy to prepare stuff like pasta, frozen pizza, mozzarella sticks, etc.

  4. 48 F, 5’7′, weigh 120#, I intermittent fast, so skip breakfast, eat lunch, healthy lowish calories, have a snack right after, cake, cookies whatever I baked that week. Eat dinner, pretty much what I want but try to keep the carbs down, snack again and stop eating for the day. I do 3, 20 minute kickboxing workouts per week and 3, 10 minute ab workouts. And walk 10-13 k steps per day.

  5. I’m lean and in shape, not super thin (which is not a good goal), and have been my entire life. Part of it is genetics. While I have many relatives who are overweight, there’s no obesity. But I also workout quite a bit and watch what I eat.

    —Workout 5 days a week, mostly one hour at a time. Mix of cardio and weights. I take classes after/before work and have a weekly rotation I stick to.

    —Walk a lot. I live in a big city and don’t have a car. If I need to run an errand, I get my steps in!

    Diet: I don’t eat dairy or eggs (allergies), and I rarely eat gluten. No bread or pasta. No soda and a stay away from processed foods. I cook most of my own meals.

    —breakfast: Oatmeal and fruit, or a protein bar

    —lunch: baked chicken breast, avocado, some fruit or raw veggies.

    —Snack: Usually something paleo, like a beef stick or a larabar.

    —Dinner: Varies, but I focus on whole foods with lean meat and veggies. Carbs come from rice or sweet potatoes. I eat a lot of chicken breast, salmon, and lean red meat. Rarely pork. I don’t fry my food.

    I don’t deny myself if I want a treat—cookies, ice cream, French fries, takeout, etc. I just don’t do it every day, use portion control, and will eat a healthier dinner when I do. As I age, the balance really matters.

  6. I never drink soda, eat chips and now if I even have a small portion of either I find them disgusting. I did a two month juice fast a decade ago to recalibrate my taste buddy and it has done good for me permanently thereafter.

  7. I just have a really long torso and high metabolism. To be fair, my mom put me on this weird diet my entire time living with her that consisted of veggies, fruits and meat. We hardly had sugar in the house but when we did it was the less processed sugars. I also drank only water and tea growing up.

    These days I try to maintain that way of eating but I live with a chef so what am I gonna do? Just watch him eat? Nah. Plus I get terrible cravings for a week straight before my period and zero self control to not eat chocolate.

  8. I avoid carbs after breakfast and never eat gluten. If I want dessert I have fruit. No junk food in the house, except I’ll relax a bit on the weekends with a treat (e.g, ice cream) or a cheat meal. I intuitively eat (if I eat a big meal for dinner, I am sometimes not hungry until lunch the next day). Run 10-12 miles a week.

    ETA- I am not “super” thin but am on the low side of the normal BMI range for my height

  9. Not super thin, but I’ve always been a healthy weight for my height and in decent shape. I eat too much junk food and go through lazy periods just like anyone else. But I think the reason I’ve never struggled with weight is because I get full really fast and never push myself past that point. That and I like eating intuitively. Some days I’ll eat a bowl of soup and be fine. Others I’ll be snacking all day, just depends on what I feel like my body is telling me.

    As far as working out, I go in and out of routines. As long as I’m at least on my feet enough throughout the week I don’t worry too much about it. Although I would like to start putting on a little muscle

  10. I think most people forget that there are two types of thin: The fit thin and the skeleton thin, which is my definition of syper thin. I fit the latter. I don’t do anything. But I notice that I have a smaller appetite than most people my age. I’m only 5 ft tall and 43-44 kgs. Small frame, small everything, very thin too.

  11. I don’t know if I would call myself “super thin” but I’m at a low healthy BMI.

    I eat mostly a plant based diet, little to no dairy (eggs sometimes) and chicken occasionally. I do eat treats occasionally but I very rarely eat fast food and I don’t keep junk food in the house (ice cream, chips, etc). I never drink soda or sugary beverages. I do love chocolate and have that pretty regularly but in small portions.

    Exercise wise, I just stay active. I walk every day, usually around 10,000 steps. I go biking and hiking. I go through phases of working out or taking dance classes (ballet mostly).

    Daily, I eat all three meals with snacks in between. I take a long walk in the early AM and again in the PM. I make sure to drink water throughout the day.

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