So me (35m) and my wife (34f) are married since 6 years, together for some more. She always had trust issues cause i had a few women before she was my gf or wife. These issues where always realy bad cause i am faithfull since we are together and it made me insecure, cause sometimes ppl expect from you what they do themselfes

Last year i had some issues with my Heart and blood pressure, needed to take lots of medicine, and test a few to see what was best for me. In this time i had lots of problems with my sex drive, the pressure pills and the heart pills killed it. She was always telling me when do we have sex again and if i had someone else, i tried to explain, but she wasnt believing it. This made me very unconfortable cause i heard reason nr 1 for women to cheat is unfullfilled sex live.

Then one night she was already in bed, much earlier than normal. I was on our laptop that we both use, she a lot more than me. She was still logged in some social media, and had desktop notifications on. I see a message of our neighbour, i hated my neighbour cause he was always rude to me. He wrote hey what u doing, hes home ? long time no had sex when u have time ?

So i confronted her later she sayd she dont know anything about this if i would love her i would believe her. I confronted him via Text and he didnt reply, a few hours later some girl messaged me about she was his gf and she wanted to see if there is something between them, a few minutes later the profile was gone, probably blocked me. He is on every social media single as relationship status. But u know i love my wife and i trust her so this was done for me.

A little later i took her phone to order food, seeing he has his cellphone nr. Again i confronted her asking what this is. She told me she forgot and it was cause we are neighbours if something happening, or the landlord has infos. Then she sayd she delete him and thats it.

Now about 1 year later he moved to another house in our city, but its almost the same story, i got on our laptop. Curious as i am, i klicked the notifications, and see 2 weeks ago he followed her again on IG, lasttime he wrote her on fb. So i type fb in browser window and she was again logged in, i saw an unread archived message from him from this day, i opened it it was just a hello. a few moment later he wrote again is it save, or better on snapchat. So angry and disappointed i replied its save. So he wrote long time no see, when he gone, i replied he gone now. Then he was like ok come to me, i wrote no u to me, he sayd ok 5minutes im driving off to you. A few minutes later he asks where to park, and thats when my wife came home, she was angry about something, i was waiting for him to ring the dorbell but didnt happen. Later he wrote send me a selfie, and i was like u first, then he stoped, no more messages…. Is this his immature gf or do they fool me ? I love her so i would forgive her i guess. I didnt confront her this time, she also changed her cellphone to have a password, are they on snap together so she warned him to no more write in other platforms? What do you think`? should i confront her again or should i go with sneaky sherlock holmes tactics and try to find out whats the truth`?

  1. I think you have enough evidence to know that she’s not loyal. I would speak to a divorce attorney and see what your best options are because this is not going to last she’s going to continue to play you as long as you’re with her

  2. That hurts too much, better for u to confront this situation, so sorry to read it ☹

  3. From my life experience the people most obsessed with their partner cheating on them are cheaters themsleves – because they have done it and therefore know how ‘easy’ it is they get obsessed with their partner doing it. Ofcourse for good people like yourself it is not actually easy to cheat, it is impossible. But we are not all the same. I’m sorry that she has done this to you but trust your gut and move on.

  4. No, she didn’t have an affair. She IS HAVING an affair. It’s been going on for years and it’s not going to stop unless she wants it to.

    You need to go 180 and grey rock. Then talk to a couple of the best lawyers in your area. You may want to go ahead and have her served with D papers. If that doesn’t snap her out of the fog, then it’s over.

    She thinks you’re stupid and she can continue to get away with it because there hasn’t been any consequences to her actions. If she does want R, she needs to give you full access to her phone, social media, email, etc…

    She needs to tell her AP it’s over in front of you and block him on everything, but not delete anything. You need proof of everything and you need to keep copies. Just in case she backslides. And, if he has a BS/SO, they need to be told everything about the A.

    Good vibes

  5. It is pretty clear what is going on, you know what is happening and just don’t want to accept it imo.

    The first immediate red flag should’ve been when you confronted her the first time and she said that if you love her that you should believe her. This is clear emotional manipulation in this situation as she used your love for her as a weapon to make you drop your suspicion and end the conversation.

    Instead of being in a healthy relationship with someone that loves and respects you do you want to be with a women who causes you to always doubt and have suspicions for the rest of your life? This isn’t a healthy frame of mind to be in with someone you may spend your whole life with.

  6. Check her ph and other apps SC spl, her might have seen ur wife entering, so he stoped, things don’t seem always as u know

  7. Check her ph and other apps SC spl, her might have seen ur wife entering, so he stoped, things don’t seem always as u know

  8. If you are going to forgive her anyway then ignore all the signs and live in ignorant bliss.

  9. Why do you actually care?

    If you are happy…then be happy. If you are not happy then address the cause of your unhappiness.

  10. >I love her so i would forgive her i guess.

    Wouldn’t it be easier emotionally if you just stop checking on her on-gong affair?

    She was having an affair, she is having an affair, and she is going to continue having an affair.

  11. She’s cheating pal. Break up with her. I think you have enough evidence to support your cause.

  12. She’s cheating with him. She’s projecting on you. Sorry bro, she’s shady and lying.


  13. Stop giving him advice. He knows what’s going on. No one can be this dense. Sometimes, you have to let people feel the pain they earn. P.S. she didn’t have an affair. She is having an affair. You’ll figure it out when it burns when you pee.

  14. Your wife is a nut job.

    1. She’s jealous of people you were with BEFORE her?
    2. You had medical issues and she’s accusing you of cheating instead of being a grown up and understand that medications can effect your libido.
    3. There is ZERO REASON for that random man to know about her self life. Why is she telling strangers about your libido?
    4. She’s too fucking old to be behaving this way.
    5. YES this is considered cheating. She is cheating.

  15. If you are ok being in a 2 dick relationship keep going if not do something about it

  16. She is 💯 cheating. You KNOW this. It’s been going on for over a yearr. Get your ducks in a row and call a lawyer. Do it now, before she pops up pregnant with his kid and try to pass it off as yours.

  17. It’s very obvious what the truth is. She’s cheating on you. It’s time for you to file for divorce because I don’t think there’s any coming back from this. Sorry dude

  18. You already know the truth. Her and him are having sex. Behind your back. And he knows that it is behind your back. I wouldn’t confront her. I would just tell her it is over, pack anything that belongs to you up, and take it with you. Then move on with your life.

  19. She is cheating and has been for awhile with the neighbor. You know this is the truth from the start. You just blindly hoped that she would fix her shit. But she hasn’t and won’t since she knows you will believe all the lies she spews.

    If you are ok with being nothing but second in the marriage and you are ok with being with someone who will never be faithful, totally forgive her. You will just keep on forgiving her and every few months when you find her screwing him.

  20. How much more evidence do you need? Is it actually going to take her admitting it before you accept that she’s been cheating for a while?

  21. My guy. Sweet little angel. She is doing you so dirty. Ask her and she’ll lie, snoop and be stuck with the info, ultimately u gotta decide, is this a life you want to live? Bc there is a 1000% chance she will keep doing this till she leaves you

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