How often does your partner say mean/negative things when angry or mad which are not true, and backtracks later when confronted?

  1. Never. He might get upset at himself, but he has never insulted me or our relationship when upset.

  2. Never. He knows that words have meaning and he knows how to properly communicate his frustrations.

  3. Never, honestly in the 12 years we’ve been together, I can count the number of times he’s been angry in our relationship on one hand. And it’s a quiet anger that he’ll take some space to calm down for.

  4. Never. We’ve been together for more than 18 years. That has never once happened. My partner does not behave that way or say hurtful things to me out of anger (or at all).

    That’s not a healthy relationship, and I wouldn’t stay with someone who did that.

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