For the fathers, how often do you kiss and hug your kids?

  1. Every single day, every single day I am able to guide them and be a good parent is a step away from the abuse I suffered at the hands of my narcissistic parents growing up. I get to relive a lot of my childhood again with them, I get to support them while witnessing their success, and I get to give them the best of myself every single day. They really saved my life in a lot of ways I did not know I needed and made me a better person in the process, so of course I’m going to show them how much they’re loved.

  2. Every day, and let them know they are loved….even when they say, “Where am I?” and “You’re not my parents…”

  3. I never kiss them. They’re teenagers and step kids. We’re close, but that’s just not what we do.

    I hug them often though. Or as often as they want one.

  4. All the time.

    Daughter is three and a half and son is 15 months.

    I’m sure at some point they’ll want me to stop/be embarrassed about it.

  5. I have two adult sons now. When they were babies, plenty and very often. Once they were boys before teenager years it stopped. I feel it’s a fathers Responsibility to make boys into men with mental fortitude to take on everything the world throws at them. Not into people that need comfort, attention and reassurance of love. Hate me, downvote me all you want. I seen parents cuddle and love the shit out of their sons just to have them grow up and they complain they do nothing for themselves. Then I have friends and myself that was shown none that excelled through hard times and struggled just to come out better on the other end of it. I love them more then anything, but they need to know how to love themselves, first and foremost because there will be plenty of times they are alone with struggles and pain. If they want a hug or a kiss, they got their mother. They want the gut wrenching truth about being a man in the world around them, they come to me.

  6. Constantly, and will keep doing it until she doesn’t want me to or I die, whichever comes first.

  7. I give my daughter a good night and good morning kiss pretty much every day, and give her a hug frequently too.

  8. Not as often as I should have when they were younger. My 15 yr old daughter never wants a hug. She reluctantly leans in w a shoulder almost daily and I give her a side hug. My 18 yr old son asked for a hug about a month ago. If I had hugged them more when they were younger things might be different but we are still pretty close and spend lots of time together daily.

  9. My daughters are in 7th and 9th grade.

    I don’t really hug them or kiss them anymore, but they do still like to cuddle up with me when we’re sitting on the couch watching TV or just hanging out looking at our phones and whatnot.

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