What are your favorite ways to schmooze, network, and make people feel good about themselves to get them to make things happen for you?

  1. You worded this weird so I don’t know if you’re trying to take advantage of vulnerable people or get the cashier at Wendy’s to give you free fries or something.

    What I’ll say is that I worked in sales a long time, and it’s amazing how much people let their guard down over a genuine compliment. If you can act really impressed by something and make it convincing, their IQ just drops like 20 points. People are willing to go the extra mile for someone that was nice to them, and will go out of their way to spite someone that was rude to them.

    If you mean career wise, just make friends with everyone you can remotely stand. Don’t suck up, don’t put it on too strong, people see right through that. Just try to genuinely make a friend like you did when you were 6. Walk up and start talking, and then do it again the next day. Start at your own level, don’t just schmooze your boss, the guy at your level might be your boss in a year, you never know.

  2. Are you asking what the best way to manipulate people is? I wouldn’t know, because I am not a worthless piece of shit that manipulates people

  3. OP’s post history seems to indicate they’ve really wanted to commit fraud, which explains why they sound slimy, but I am actually curious the best way to expand your network and professional circle, especially when you work 95% remote

  4. As a general rule of thumb, help people out when they’re in need, and they’re likely to want to reciprocate. Good karma and whatnot

  5. Focus entirely on them. Ask questions and talk about yourself as little as possible.

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