Men with ugly daughters, what do you say if your daughter asks if she is ugly?

  1. then i would tell her that yes she is and we are sorry it worked out that way. /s

    of course we wouldn’t say that. we would support her and tell her that she is not that and help her try to get self confidence so she does not stress over stupid crap.

  2. I would tell her that as long as she can sick a duck well it will work out… as a duck wrangler.

  3. Tell her to stay a virgin if she wants to be desired as much or more than the attractive girls.

  4. Show her pictures of every celebrity that had an awkward stage , and how everyone can glow up with nothing but some eye liner and a nice smile.

  5. I mean there are definitely people who look at their kids and think in their heart, “well hopefully they will be smart”. If I had an ugly daughter, I would love her and steer her toward things like fitness so that she could maximize her potential and find confidence in herself

  6. I’d let my daughter know that she’s ugly and that she’ll have to work a little bit harder compared to other ladies. It’s best to be honest with your kids and let them know where they stand in life. Last thing I want is to have my daughter think she’s beautiful and have her standards way too high. Nothing good comes from living in delusion. Same way how if my son is 5’3 I wouldn’t tell him that he was tall.

    Not every child is beautiful or special. We have to be realistic with kids. I would give my daughter pointers to help make up her short coming. Since she’s already ugly…….she’ll have to be above average in other areas to compete. Especially since most women are gunning for men in the top 20% which would include my daughter. It’s best to lower her standards for more average guys imo.

    I’m not big on lying to kids and setting them up for failure. Even if I do lie to my daughter, the world around her will show her the truth by how people interact with her.

  7. Ugly goes beyond looks. Beauty shows in your actions, how you treat people, etc. I don’t plan on being a parent but never would I ever call a child of mine something so debilitating

  8. Probably one of the dumbest questions I’ve ever seen on here. No man worth a damn is going to say to his daughter, “Yes, dear, you’re ugly.”

  9. Don’t have a daughter but if I did. I wouldn’t bully her and belittle her and I wouldn’t think she’s ugly.

    I’d do everything I can to make sure she has good self esteem and confidence.

  10. Well you look like your mother, and I don’t get with ugly chicks. So you have nothing to worry about my little mudpie.

  11. First thing is tell her she’s not, she’s beautiful. I can’t think of ever seeing a daughter of mine ugly because of father bias, but even if I wouldn’t think she’s pretty if she wasn’t my daughter, I’d still tell a white lie. Then try to explain how subjective beauty is and how sometimes girls would put u down if they’re jealous.

    I’d want to also tell her how her personality affects her appearance a great deal, but I’m afraid it’ll sound like “you’re ugly, so u gotta work on your personality”.

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