As an introvert, what are good ways to not only meet people, but build relationships? I’m a 25 year old woman, who works from home. I mostly hang out with family, my sister and her friends. My closest friend growing up moved to a new city, and we talk infrequently. I hung out with her before she moved.

The past year I started going to the gym. I haven’t made friends yet, but it give me an opportunity to be around people. I also started going to networking events through an organization I joined. I had conversations with a few people, who walked up to me first, and exchanged info.

I volunteered a month ago and met two women who were also volunteering and seemed friendly.

I’m really working on building up the confidence to initiate hanging out with new people. Sometimes it seems a bit scary.

How have you made friends, and started dating people? Any tips?

1 comment
  1. Some of those new friends you’ve been making, plan a trip to the pub with them. Do this a few times, dress well, smile at guys there. It will come together.

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