I want to start off by emphasizing that my relationship isn’t perfect. Like any other relationship, we have our ups and downs. I also want to mention that this is not the first time I have come across one of my bf’s post about me.

My SO and I have been together for about 3 years, going on to 4 now and meet in high school. He’s my first actual love and we had an instant connect the first time we meet, I really see a future with him. We grew up around the same morals and beliefs and I’ve always been supportive of him in every step of his journey in life so far. Things had been going great up until about a few months ago. Due to some of the issues we’ve been having lately, and knowing about past Reddit post he’s made about me. I went looking knowing I’d find, as the saying goes. To my surprise I found some comments to a now deleted post he had made about our relationship just a few days ago. Unfortunately some of the comments contained quotes from the OP where he called me a “poor peasant” and how he felt as our “goals and aspirations in life were no longer aligning”.

[Just for context: My bf is on his last year of college and graduate’s this year(very much proud of him) and was fortunate enough to have been able to enter a transfer program where most if not all his tuition was covered for due to his one parent household.
My family’s financial situation has not always been the greatest. I don’t come form a very wealthy or comfortably stable family ( but he does) and as a first generation college student under the governments eyes my parents make just enough to send me to college. But with the mortgage, groceries, living expenses, siblings and the upkeeps of the house( we have an old house) we barely make enough to get by. In order for me to attend school my only options realistically were to enrolle in community college, which I pay for myself.(I am not in search of a pitty party, I do as best as I can for myself under my circumstances)]

I have always known that one of his biggest goals in life is to make it while he’s young. To work hard in all aspects in life now(education, health, and work)so that he can enjoy later on in life. I have a very similar mindset and goal for myself as well. I work hard both in school and In my personal life (job, health) in order to put myself through school, in order to reach my goals and make it in life. On top of that I’ve always tried to be a supportive and loving partner to him as well knowing college isn’t easy. But over the last few months I’ve realized that his support, love, and affection towards me has diminished drastically. He has also mentioned how he feels as his needs and wants aren’t being meet. I tried to express the way I had been feeling and we’ve even brain stormed ways we can improve our relationship. I’ve even picked up some couples counseling books and have been listening to different podcasts to find ways to work through this rut. But it just seems like he isn’t trying and just shuts down. Though he claims to love me and wants to be with me forever (as said in OP comments), his actions and love don’t really show that. Seeing the comment and responses on his original post broke me. I no longer know what to do. I love him and I wouldn’t want to lose him, but I don’t know what’s next. What’s your best advice?

*please also look at responses down below*

  1. This sounds like it’s only you trying to make this relationship works, for months. It’s up to you to keep trying or ask for a break up because she’s taking zero effort or at least you mentioned no good things about him anywhere in the post besides his academic success.

    You deserve better, , OP.

  2. >What’s your best advice?

    Dump his ass, why do you want to stay with someone who talks down to others about you, and says you’re not compatible. There’s nothing for you to change or fix here.

  3. If you want to see if you can view the original full post:

    To start, visit [web.archive.org](https://web.archive.org/) and enter the URL of the Reddit post you want to view. Make sure to clean the URL first by removing any trailing, unnecessary HTTP parameters.

    The website will display recorded snapshots spread across a calendar. If there’s a relevant snapshot, you can click on the day the snapshot was recorded and view the web page.

    Taken from:

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