So, I (20F) have a kink for my partners to patronise/condescend me (specifically with a subtle kind of ‘I know better than you’ misogyny-type style). I’ve been wondering how I could help a partner better understand what I mean, but I’m struggling for specific examples.

**The most accurate I’ve got so far are (yes, they’re a little corny):**
– “, say it again, maybe a little nicer this time.”
– “oh you think so? Uh-uh, yeah, ok”
– “I…don’t think you’re ready for that just yet. No, no, I’m really proud of you for offering..but you won’t even know how to *do* that, so you can stop trying to impress me.”
– “with eye contact, please..why’re you looking over there? What’s so interesting about that, hm?”
– “..ah, I don’t think you really know what that is, do you. It doesn’t make you more impressive to do everything I ask you to.”

What others could you find, or how could I sort of articulate it in a way that gives the impression of the above style? Ideally there’d be some wry chuckles, eye rolls and disappointed/secondhand embarrassment smirks too, but am I asking for too much?

  1. Just has to be genuine and from his heart. My husband is a lousy dirty talker. I’m definitely the perv mouth. He just sounds clinical… like a physician. It’s not good.

    Nothing would dry out my vag faster than him sounding like a Joe Rogan misogynistic edge lord, but you have your preferences. You know if your guy can handle that… *and if he’s too good at it*, that’s a potential red flag.

  2. Let’s try that:

    “You should’ve known better”

    “At least try to make it right, else you’re wasting my time”

    “You might think of it this way now, but you’re a bit naive sometimes anyway”

    “You could be so sexy if you do it this way. Let me show you”

    Most of the time, it should come somewhat naturally depending on the situation. But I hope there is something that fits your preferences

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