Hey, I am a Junior(20M) that attends a college and the semester just started a week ago. I’ve been trying to make some friends to talk and hangout with. I met this friend group of 5 at this event and I thought they were pretty chill and they shared similar interests with me. I talked with specifcally 2 of the 5 for a good 15-20 minutes and then we all went about our day. I asked the 2 for their instagrams and I followed them. One of them followed me back and this event was two days ago. How would I go about trying to get in their friend group without being too pushy or awkward? They seemed to have met a year ago and they seem to have a lot of other friends too that they talk with. Do I dm them that I wanna hangout sometime? I just need some advice.

1 comment
  1. Don’t go in with the idea of trying to get into their friend group.

    You say that you’re trying to make friends, so don’t ruin it by overstepping and trying to befriend 5 people all at once. That won’t work.

    Just ask the 2 you’ve spoken to to do an activity with you. If they like you, they *may* invite you out with them and *maybe* their other friends will be there. Take that moment to get to know the other friend group members there. But at the same time, don’t expect that to happen. Friend groups are VERY difficult to penetrate. Enjoy the fact you began a possible friendship with 2 new people.

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