So I(M28) met this girl (F25) on hinge and we went on our first date a couple days ago. We got drinks and clicked right away. The attraction was there from both of us immediately and we quickly found out we are both quite affectionate people. After about 3 hours of talking and an hour of making out we decided to go back to her place.

We both had a great time and have been texting nonstop since. We can’t wait to see each other again. Neither of us had done that before but we both feel good afterwards.

Just wanted to say there’s guys like me out there. And I could definitely see us having a long term relationship.

Update: I meeting up with her and her friends tomorrow

  1. >And I could definitely see us having a long term relationship.

    Why? You don’t know anything about her

  2. Not to be a Debbie Downer but this sounds like a hookup. Make sure you make it clear to her you want a long term relationship

  3. This is awesome when you can have sex early and feel good chemistry in that regard but still get the opportunity to date and not just be a guy who smashes and dips. That’s always the opportunity i hope for! Hopefully she feels the same way and you two can progress. Congrats! Hope it works out for you two!

  4. I had sex with my girlfriend on the second date, but I felt like we could have gone that direction on the first date if we were in the right circumstances.

    Either way, it’s a good sign that you’re texting a lot since. So many dates end up with one ghosting the other, so this is a good start, and a good sign it may be something more than a hookup.

    I’ve been with my gf for almost six months now, so don’t let anyone tell you when or when not to have sex with a date, except for your date, of course😋

  5. That’s great graduations did you have your blood work done first if not, you might want to think about that!

  6. >Just wanted to say there’s guys like me out there.

    What do you even mean by this lol guys who fuck on the first date? Oooo, you’re such a dying breed lmao

  7. Lol I think some people are missing his point.

    A lot of virgins on reddit tell women that they can’t have sex on the first date if they want a serious relationship because guys don’t view women that are willing to have sex early on, seriously.

    He’s saying that actually there are guys that don’t completely rule a woman out for having sex on a first date lol

  8. Happy for you! Be careful not to do too much too early though and take it slow and do not rush into anything. People can be good at hiding who they really are for a solid 90 days.

  9. Lol this is funny. I met my current partner on hinge as friends for 6 months and we had sex before we started dating. Like a week after he asked me to be his gf with flowers and a card ☺️

  10. You know what it’s called when you have sex on the first date… Sex on the first date. Happens more than you think. Also…after the sex, they never see each other again. It was an itch that needed scratching, that’s all.

  11. “There are guys like me out there” – aka guys who don’t ghost after sex on a first date, and might actually consider a relationship. The bar is so low that basic courtesy makes someone a “catch” these days, sad.

  12. If you wanna bang someone do it because waiting isn’t going to weed out people who only want sex and getting to it right away will help you weed out people you aren’t sexually compatible with.

  13. Had sex with my partner on the first date, just happened naturally and he didn’t shame me for wanting it.

    Men who allow women to be sexual creatures are the best.

  14. Meeting her friends already is a great sign. Wear some nice cologne and bring her something.

  15. Unpopular opinion around here, but I think sex on the first date is a mistake. I say this as someone who used to rush physical stuff and had a *ton* of unintentionally short relationships because of it.

    It’s too easy to feel like there’s a real connection there even if there isn’t. Especially in online dating, where both people are [more likely to be anxiously attached,](,pursuing%20any%20form%20of%20intimacy) the use of physical affection as a replacement for ANY emotional connection is extremely common.

    There are going to be anecdotes here from people who slept with their current partner on the first date, and that’s fine, but finding a healthy LTR that starts that way is much rarer. Personally, I’d hold off on the physical stuff (making out for an hour on the first date means you spent 25% of it just being physical) for the next few dates and see if you can develop the same excitement to be together without relying on the promise of sex.

  16. Bro, congrats. This is the time too. Right in the beginning, the feels, the magic. Enjoy it. I wish you well. Who knows, you may have found the very last gf you’ll ever date.

  17. It does happen. I was playing the field, had four regular FWBs that I was seeing, and met my current GF after she had gotten stood up by her Tinder date. We started talking, and I ended up paying for her dinner and going back to my place. After that first time, I cut ties with all the other girls I was seeing and have been exclusive with her since.

    Just because sex is involved on a first date, it doesn’t always mean that the guy is going to split after.

  18. Damn what happened to “Kiss & Tell” lol ? As a man, I feel that sex on the first date is not that big of a deal as most of you are making this thread out to be. As long as I got size, stamina, and tongue action, and I know what to do when that moment is getting ready to happen, I don’t give a fuck if it’s the 1st or the 10th date. When she (my date) and I are.ready to fuck, we’re fuckin’ LONG & HARD !!!!!!

  19. People get too hung up on the idea of moving too fast or slow. You know what you want and they know what they want, stop letting people from outside the relationship tell you how it should progress. Stop disrupting the natural flow of attraction.

  20. Not to be a debbie downer here because this is a great story and I have nothing but the best hopes for you two, but that also happened with me and my ex. Lovebombing by a narcissistic sociopath can feel like falling in love, but just be careful. It’s still so early, and you hardly know eachother. Don’t pull away or change how you do things, but try to keep a part of your mind thinking that it may not work out and don’t mistake red flags on her part for insecurities in yourself.

    Best of luck!

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