What is the most seductive move you’ve made with the highest success rates?

  1. Wear a wedding ring. The only times in my 66 years I’ve been approached. (At bars when I was in community theatre and played a man who was married.)

  2. Had a girl over the other night. I started to do the dishes and decided to get naked while doing them. I slowly took my shirt off, then shorts and finally underwear. My bartop blocks my lower half so she couldn’t see anything but her knowing I was completely naked while doing a mundane housechore got her really flustered.

  3. My repertoire includes groveling, apologizing, and promising it’ll never happen again.

    If done well, I am usually allowed to sleep under the same roof as her.

  4. Asking to simply be friends, and chat sometime. Get to texting. Be really funny. Make sexual innuendos. Once they reciprocate that, it goes to full on flirting and mutual desire

  5. I basically stare women down.

    I know. I know. Sounds cringe. Sounds creepy.

    I get it.

    But it basically never fails.

    When I feel attracted to a woman, I can sort of say it with my eyes.

    So I make eye contact with them. And somehow the way I look at them is attractive.

    An ex told me she felt like a baby deer being hunted by wolf or something – it was a primal thing.

    Now, I’m not some alpha guy or a super handsome guy. And I’m not overly charming.

    But looking at women a certain way – not all women – just the one where there is a bit of a vibe – seems to really turn them on.

  6. Make her friends laugh. If she has any interest, she will feel compelled to defend her territory.

  7. In ordet :

    A) be funny

    B) focus 100% on her, make her feel like she’s the only one in the world and has 100% of my attention

    C) create an opportunity to show how big my tongue is

  8. If it’s a first kiss, hold her really firmly. Not some bear hug or overly strong straight away but work up to a really firm hold around her back. I’ve had girls say they found that really hot. Just a weird kind of primal signal that you’re stronger than her and want to pull her in tightly. Always seems to work well.

  9. My most seductive move only had one attempt. I am 1/1.

    I was at a friend’s wedding and had my eye on a bridesmaid I didn’t know. I flirted a little. I had a few drinks in me, just enough to have some swagger but not enough to slur. I was in a great mood because things were going well in my life and I was in good shape.

    I saw her dancing with some guy, and just walked up, smiled, held my hand out, and took her away from him.

    I’d never had the balls to try that before and I haven’t tried it since, but it worked, and she told me later it was a giant turn on.

  10. Years ago I placed mistletoe over the door before going into this girls house. We were 18/17. We’d been out a couple times, hadn’t kissed.

    We hung out for a bit & as I was leaving I gestured to the mistletoe with my eyes and she noticed it. Obviously realizing I planted it there she stepped out pulling the door closed behind her. No need to get her parents in on our first kiss.

    I placed my hands on the sides of her neck/face. You know the spot, where they naturally go for the kiss. I began to lean in. She closed her eyes. I kissed her on the forehead and turned & walked to my car.

    She told me later that drove her crazy. She said she “went inside & melted.”

    Mission accomplished.

  11. I’m a terrible dancer, but dancing with an acquaintance usually works. The intro beforehand lets the lady know I’m not a total creep and I’ve been vetted by our mutual contact, then BAM dancing as close as she wants.

  12. Tell them I’m engaged. Should have thought of this when I was in high school I guess.

  13. Joined Grindr, you can pull in minutes because pretty much all men are absolute whores if given the chance!

  14. Well it’s that one move when you point at something and when they look you gently guide their chin back to look at you, or the one when you say “look at me for a sec” then kiss them.

  15. Depends on the scenario, but if you can get to giving her a massage in bed then it’s a done deal.

  16. I had taken a couple of dance lessons, one of which the hustle, which is very easy to do in pubs and clubs if you get a bit of space. Usually I just walk up to a girl with a smile and hold out my hand in invitation.

    I don’t know what it is, but up till now they’ve always accepted. I teach them the basic step and then swirl them around, seeing them smile and get all giddy.

    After the dance I walk away, because I had a girlfriend ( I had permission to dance with them ) when I did this often, but they always came back to thank me with hints of wanting to continue conversation. When I had a girlfriend I politely declined, moved on or left. Now that I’m single again, I attempt the conversation, but fumble often.

  17. At uni, I made a joke whom had a bunch of people laughing. When I was at home, she was in my dm, asking if I was interested in a drink.

  18. I whistled her like a sheepdog, once, and it worked. Not trying again cause I don’t want to ruin the 100% success rate.

  19. I don’t know if it’s a seductive move per se, more of a test if the girl is interested. I call it the Couch Test.

    This requires you are hanging out in a room with a couch and at least one other chair.

    The move is to sit first, and sit in the middle of the couch. The girl either has two options, sit next to you or sit separately in the chair.

    If she sits next to you, it’s a pretty good sign you’re already in. Then you can try the old stretch-arm-out and go from there.

  20. Flirting with the shampoo bottle in the shower. I mean it can’t say no so I guess that’s the highest succès rate for me

  21. Would buy and bring tickets to a concert with me while out in the bars, show and used them to entice women to go on a date to the show with me, totally floored them with a great tailgate feast and alcohol selection at the show. Just went with the flow, if the show experience helped set the stage for a deeper relationship great, if not, enjoyed the company and show, no pressure put upon the woman, only kindness and courtesy. Had great success with this approach.

  22. Take her on a boat. Can’t say no because of the implication. /s

    My real go to move is cooking, especially smoked bbq. I like showing I know my way around a thick cut of meat lol.

  23. Love to dance. Always have. Something that usually works is A: actual dancing swing, line dancing etc a polite ask takes more confidence than most guys have for some reason.
    B: if it’s a bump and grind kinda function men, do the bump and grind on the chick. It’s out of the norm, less threatening, and shows you can have fun and have a little humor.

  24. Looked at girl asked if we can hold hands n said hey… she looked at me n said… hey… your question is kinda creepy. Like if stuff feels natural it’s cool. Kinda weird bruh

  25. Eye contact, name repetition, personality mirroring, and I am never the first to let go of a handshake

  26. I can’t take credit for it. My eyes are a lovely shade of blue. Apparently people love them as much as I do.

  27. My wife was doing laundry when we first moved in together, I came in and demonstrated my previously unforclosed ability to fold fitted sheets.

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