I think everybody knows these classic road rage videos that literally only seem to take place in America? Is it such a common thing that happens from time to time or not?

  1. You haven’t seen all the Russian dash cams?

    It’s pretty common. There are a lot of shitty people around. Usually your brakes can get you away from them. Let the idiot LARPing as the road warrior kill somebody else.

  2. Nothing is as common here as it appears in the media. That being said, a girl was actually killed in my town in a road rage incident 6 years ago. Dude got 20-40 years in prison. What a dipshit.

  3. No, it does not occur terribly often. But I take issue with the idea it only occurs in the US i have seen similar videos from all over Europe.

    Your problem is confirmation bias since you are watching English speaking US based media, and of course a nation of 330,000,000 will have more instances of anything than will your nation of significantly less people (assuming you are not from China or India)

  4. I want you to think for 5 seconds about how often people upload videos of their drive going peacefully.

  5. Overall, no, but it does exist and is worse in some areas than others.

    The most common thing you see is someone honking angrilly at someone and driving fast but rarely does it escalate into violence.

    But it can. And 100% of the time its stupid. Its not worth it.

    If you drive carefully and dont let things get to you, you will be fine.

    Unfortunately you cannot control every driver on the road.

    I also dont recommend flipping anyone off. Some people may be armed with more than a middle finger.

  6. No, it’s not common. It’s posted on the internet specifically *because* it’s not common.

    “that literally only seem to take place in America”

    This is blatantly false. I’ve seen many road rage videos from other countries.

  7. Road rage incidents only happen in America? Let me introduce you to something called “confrontation bias.”

  8. Nothing is as common as it appears in the media.

    As for “literally only seem to take place in America”, where specifically is the rock you’ve been living under?

  9. > I think everybody knows these classic road rage videos that literally only seem to take place in America?

    you’re kidding right?

  10. > I think everybody knows these classic road rage videos that literally only seem to take place in America?

    No they don’t? r/idiotsincars has plenty of videos of people from other countries acting like fools, road rage included.

  11. I live in a major metropolitan East Coast city, and I’ve never seen a serious road rage confrontation. The most I’ve seen was someone yelling at someone else from their car. I also don’t remember hearing about road rage being covered on the local news either.

    >I think everybody knows these classic road rage videos that literally only seem to take place in America?

    A five second YouTube search will prove that wrong.

  12. Road rage happens everywhere. That includes America.

    Remember scale here. The US is the 3rd largest population on the planet behind China and India.

    Do we have lots of videos of dashcam footage? Yes, enough to make daily videos of it because we have 350 *million people*. Most of these are accidents, not road rage and most actual road rage is fairly rare.

    Road rage is not something most people deal with more than a couple of times in their life, if that. I mean actual get out of car with a bat or crowbar kind of road rage, not someone honking because bad driving. I have dealt with no bullshit road rage once in my life. I was driving a truck, hopped a curb and drove past angry man at the post office.

    There’s also lots of these videos coming from Russia for likely the same reasons. Dashcams are becoming more prevalent because they help resolve insurance disputes easily and they’re also a big country.

  13. There’s several factors at play here. The first is that, as others have alluded to, if you watch a type of video, the algorithm will interpret that as interest in that topic and show you more videos like it. You’re not watching a random sample of videos. I watch a lot of Korean cooking channels. So youtube shows me more. That does not mean that a larger portion of Koreans are cooks, just that youtube has noticed I watch more of those videos all the way through.

    The other thing to be aware of is that we’re the third most populous country in the world. If 1 in 10,000 people is not just an asshole, but a *violent* asshole, that leaves us with 33,000 violent assholes. Vs a smaller country with (for example) 10,000,000 people which would only have 1,000 violent assholes if they had the same rate of assholery. So it might look more prevalent here just because there’s more of us, even if in reality it’s happening at the same rate.

  14. At least in NJ, yes. There is no shortage of short angry bald men who will kill and die over a minor traffic gaffe

  15. Yes, it happens *from time to time*, just like I imagine how often it happens anywhere with cars.

  16. Just yesterday I pulled out my fully semiautomatic assault rifle because someone didn’t use a turn signal.

  17. Not really the worst I have ever experienced was someone honking at me and flipping me the finger.

  18. > Are road rages as common as often displayed in the states?

    Not at all. Such videos are uploaded and highly viewed precisely *because* the events they portray are rare and therefore interesting.

    What is frequent enough to see pretty often is “road rage” incidents where someone honks angrily beeping or flipping the bird at someone else for doing something dangerous, stupid or irritating to the other driver.

    > that literally only seem to take place in America?

    Really? It used to be that you’d mostly see videos like this from Russia… to the point it became something of a meme. There’s a joke about it in an old episode of Parks and Rec about Russian dash cam videos. (Leslie asks April what her favorite TV show is and April’s response is “Ooh, I love watching Russian traffic accidents on YouTube while I play children’s music at the wrong RPM.”)

  19. Outside some honking and the occasional middle finger, it’s been years since I’ve last experienced or seen actual road rage. Most people are too oblivious when they’re driving to actually carry out road rage.

  20. Saw an incident today actually. Guy got out of his car at the stoplight to yell at the driver in front of him for some reason – didn’t see what happened before that. As he’s walking back, the driver in front throws it into reverse, slams into the yelling guy’s car, and speeds off.

    Even with that, I’ve seen more aggressive driving in other countries.

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