what’s your most prised possession?

  1. My car 🚗 First big purchase I’ve ever made myself. Saved for so many years to get it 😊

  2. A written letter I plan to laminate that my step father wrote me when I graduated nursing school. It’s the only personal possession I have left of him so I treasure it dearly.

  3. My deceased older brother’s old phones and photos, I’m the only one on the family who has them. And surprisingly, not many people know that I do for some reason.

  4. My computer, I use it for basically everything, streaming, work, video games, cost me nearly 5 grand in total.

  5. Family photo of me and my parents when I was 10. Both of them are now dead and it’s unfortunately the only photo I have of us.

  6. My dad’s camera. Especially now. He’s been gone for so long. My memories or fading but I’ll never forget how much he loved photography.

  7. According to the poppriceguide, my most prized possession should be my blue chrome Boba Fett pop lol

  8. Sentimental reasons: the letter my dad wrote me that was given to me the day he died.

    Material reasons: I absolutely love my car.

  9. My uterus. It belongs exclusively to me and only I decide if it gets used again

  10. A heart-shaped amethyst necklace. Amethyst is my birthstone and I always had this cute “fantasy” that my SO would get me a heart necklace. But I’ve been single my whole life so I kind of given up on that fantasy.

    I bought this for myself and, even though I’m not a big jewelry person, I wear it every day and it reminds me that loving myself is the most important love I’ll ever have.

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