Learned them in school since I grew up in Michigan. We even learned a fancy acronym.

  1. I don’t remember ever learning an acronym. How hard is it to remember five things?

  2. Yes. And I thought I could name them in geographic order too, but I got Erie and Ontario mixed up. Whoops.

  3. I remembered that we learned a mnemonic device but I couldn’t remember what it was. I got Michigan, Huron and Erie.

  4. Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario. Helps to live on one of them

  5. Yes. I grew up near them though.

    HOMES is the easy way to remember them.

    Huron Ontario Michigan Erie Superior

  6. Gitche Gumee and the other ones that don’t have a great song about them.

  7. You bet! She Made Him Eat Onions — Great Lakes from west to east!

    However, while I wasn’t looking, they appear to have added an ocean I didn’t know about 🤷

  8. She Had Me Eat Onions, in order from largest to smallest: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario

  9. I never learned them in school, but I’m a Geography nerd so I know them. I actually struggle with the acronym because acronyms usually don’t help me remember things that well. In this case, I just picture a map of the area (I’ve spent enough time staring at maps that this is easy) and I can name all of the shapes.

    1. Superior

    2. Huron

    3. Michigan

    4. Erie

    5. Ontario

  10. Guess it depends on what we call the Great Lakes because it’s not as easy as you think. For example lake Michigan and lake Huron are one single lake connected together at the straight of Mackinac and this actually makes it larger than lake Superior by surface area (Superior has more volume). Another example is lake St Clair near Detroit which some people consider part of the Great Lakes and some people don’t

  11. Only if I feel like singing.

    > Lake Huron rolls, Superior sings

    > in the rooms of her ice water mansion

    > old Michigan steams like a young man’s dreams

    > the islands and bays are for sportsmen

    > and farther below lake Ontario

    > takes in what lake Erie can send her

    > and the iron boats go as the mariners all know

    > with the gales of November remembered

  12. Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario

    Left to right except for Huron and Michigan which were swapped

  13. Yeah, I’ve always remembered them with:

    SuperMan Helps EveryOne

    It’s the order in which they appear (from West to East) as well.

  14. Well I live in Michigan. Born and raised in a town on a great lake. It would be embarrassing if I couldn’t. Though I don’t remember ever learning the HOMES thing in school.

  15. Yes. I’m not from the area, and probably only know them because I used to teach geography.

  16. I know I shouldn’t, but if you can’t name the Great Lakes, I’m judging you. I mean seriously.

  17. No. I’’m 45 years away from 4th grade.

    Best guess, Erie, Superior, Hueron,?

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