What did you get yourself with your first salary?

  1. I was a nerd, I went to my local bookstore to buy D&D books that my parents would never give me money for.

  2. Aw man, I remember that. CDs. I had a list of ‘influential albums’ I was convinced I needed if I wanted to write music and picked up as many as I could afford. Seems like a waste now but I got my moneys worth out of them.

  3. Motorola V3i, when it was brand new.
    Loved it. Got stolen after a few years though.

    I still miss it.

  4. First legitimate full time job I bought myself a truck, always was my dream then I got married and my wife and I went down to 1 car and guess which one of us gave up our car? me.

  5. Stupid car parts for a car that was 99% in the grave already. Don’t worry, I spend money on electric skateboard parts now.

  6. A chair + a rope+ a fan.

    I was working from home and this was during second wave of covid around May’21. So I couldn’t go out much.
    All that was affecting my physical and consequently mental health. Thus made me do some mistakes in work.

    So I bought office chair for the backpain. Skipping rope to reduce some weight and a cooling pad fan to avoid overheating of the laptop.

  7. First real paycheck went to a nice stereo in my old Ford (it only had an AM radio from the factory). I still have it 20 years later, so it wasn’t a completely frivolous purchase.

  8. I bought a pair of black and white flamed patent leather shoes. Was super hardcore into Ska back then.

  9. Circa 2006, was in Basic Training. Was marched with the rest of the trainees to the mini PX (US Army’s name for a store, this resembled more of a corner store). Stood outside and was ordered by the Drill Sargent to buy body soap because we “stank like a pile of rotting meat thrown into a bag of burnt popcorn”.

    TL;DR The first thing I bought with my first paycheck was a bar of soap.

  10. One of my first paychecks in the Army, after basic and schooling, I bought a PlayStation 2.

  11. I used some of it to pay for my tuition. My very religious parents made me donate part of it to the Catholic Church, I was 16 so I didn’t know how to stand up for myself much

  12. Like, first 40 hour a week full time gig?

    Rent and groceries.

    My first paycheck ever, gas for the pickup my parents let me drive to school.

  13. Oh man, let me tell you! With my first salary, I went all out and treated myself to a brand new gaming console. I had been eyeing it for ages and finally had the moolah to make it happen. It was like Christmas came early for me! Best decision ever, if you ask me.

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