I am currently talking to my old friend and I am noticing that she is not that interested. I know she could just be tired but zi want to be a better person to talk to in general. I cringe when I imagine myself being the one that I am talking to, I really try and I think I am a good listener when someone rants tome but if it is on me to carry the conversation then yeah. Please help me

  1. If I were you I’d try asking more info about aspects of their life. The ones I’d assume they have a lot to talk about and they enjoy talking about.

    Being a good listener is great skill, however it’s most effective for people who already like you, not the ones that are undecided.

  2. Something that sometimes works if you have nothing to add is to repeat the last thing the other person said, usually it will trigger them to continue talking about it.
    So for example, you ask the other person where they are from, they answer Germany, you say ah Germany, and maybe they’ll continue talking about where in Germany they are from or why they moved from there ecc. It’s a pretty stupid example but it’s just to give you an idea of what I mean

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