I 22F think I might be beginning to develop feelings for my 18 almost 19M friend, we’re pretty close as is but things have started to turn more than friends or at least subtle hints that we both feel the same.. I’m not sure if this is an appropriate age gap or if it’s too much and I should pursue someone closer to my age or older? I’ve never really been into younger guys but there’s just something that I can’t explain about him & maybe it’s just because we were friends first and are close but I can’t shake it plz help :/

  1. im pretty sure since youre both above 18, it doesnt matter at all, as long as you two work out there shouldnt be an issue

  2. I think the reasonable age gap varies depending on how old you are. My opinion is that 22/18 or 22/19 is kind of pushing it at that young age because there’s often a big difference in maturity levels, but maybe it could work if he’s a little more mature than average or you’re a little less mature than average. At 28/25, I don’t think it would be a problem at all. Even 30/25 wouldn’t likely be a problem.

  3. The social rule is half your age, then add 7 years. Realistically so long as y’all are both adults and there’s no power imbalance I’d say it’s okay

  4. You think three years may be an inappropriate age gap?

    How’d you come to that conclusion?

    That’s not a big age gap, y’all are literally the same age.

  5. Girl do what you want, not what people say is okay. If everyone’s a legal adult and it’s not like 18 and 50, you’re good.

  6. A nice thing about being an adult is you have the freedom to have sex with any other willing adult regardless of their age. I had sex with several 18yos last month and am quite a bit older than you.

    EDIT: I didn’t read the post well, and it’s about dating not sex, despite the subreddit. You can still date whoever you like

  7. Heres a basic formula to follow

    Older limit: (your age-7)×2
    Ex. (22-7)×2 = 26

    Younger limit: (your age[rounded up to the nearest even number]÷2)+7
    Ex. (22÷2)+7 = 18

  8. I think the age gap is fine. Keep the dating casual and slow at this point though until you get to know each other better. There’s no rush at this age.

  9. When I was 16 I broke up with my 18byear old girlfriend and then i had a sexal relationship with my friends mum she was 38 and when I was 25 I had a one night stand with a 53 year old who came in my bar

  10. 3 years different is nothing. If it was the other way around (being the guy older than the girl) it would be considered soooo normal. I understand it feels big because you are both very young adults, but i am 35 and i seriously date guys who are 27-28 and i don’t see an issue. I am not talking about fwb or just for fun, i am talking about sharing an equal relationship. Younger men are often the fresh thing you need in your life.

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