I met someone I really like, but we have drastically different ideas about what a relationship looks like.

She’s been in the U.S. since she was a kid, but she’s still culturally accustomed to more “traditional” dating roles. e.g., the man is in charge of taking out the garbage, the woman is in charge of cooking.

One thing that surprised me is a couple of times when I brought up sexual things and she considered it to be too early.

That’s all been resolved, but one particular thing stood out. Both times she said it was “disrespectful” or “insulting”.

Now I’m particularly liberal about sex, don’t mind discussing anything, etc. Maybe it’s as simple as her being more conservative around that topic.

However, what I don’t understand is the feeling of disrespect she attached to it.

Men who have experience with American/Russian cultural differences: aside from the aforementioned, what are some other differences I might encounter in this relationship?

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