Ladies, what stops you from initiating a Convo/relationship if you’re interested?

  1. I would not ask a guy out in a group where he could feel pressured to answer a certain way, but that’s about it. That would wait until others wandered away. Conversations are always fair game. I don’t think I would have had the confidence in my 20s or early 30s. But now? I have zero qualms about it.

  2. Fear of rejection/uncertainty that they’re interested, appropriateness of the time and place… or just I’m interested, but not **that** interested.

  3. I’m a big girl, and I have seen and heard horror stories from the plus size community about the rejection big ladies face from those who just aren’t into us.
    Being uninterested and having a type is fine, but the fear of being genuinely emotionally bullied for being big and liking someone is too scary for me to initiate things. Plus I’m a very sensitive girl and I know rejection will absolutely crush me and make me cry.
    However I have recently been a lot more daring about it and been more obvious in my interests for people I’m into.

  4. I might talk to someone at a social gathering if I’m interested in them, but I’ve never asked out anyone on a first date and never will. It’s just a turn off.

  5. From a conversation or approaching? I think is this the appropriate venue for that. I consider if I would want to be approached in the same situation and if the answer is no or I’m not sure then I won’t.

    A relationship? Glaring incompatibilities or the strong likelihood we are very incompatible.

  6. Because I used to do it and it all backfired. If a guy’s interested, he’ll do the initiating. If they’re not making the effort at the start, they won’t be making the effort later. That’s my experience anyway.

  7. If I express interest or flirt and they give me mixed signals back, then I often will back off. I used to like people more if to had to chase them, but now it feels really bad to me.

  8. My current living situation makes it too awkward to consider getting romantically involved with someone… I live with my ex.

  9. In my early twenties, I hit on guys several times (I was very “get what you want or don’t complain” at the time) and asked them out. And every single time they thought I just wanted to hook up or they thought I wanted to trick them somehow.

    Even explaining that I was really asking them out was just met with distrust and more attempts to get me to hook up instead. So no. I stopped doing that. They just thought something had to be wrong with me to ask them out.

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