Ok so idk where to start. I’ll go from the beginning.

My friend and I met in 7th grade. She met this boy about 2 years later. That was 11 years ago, they are now married and have 2 kids. We (in we I mean the rest of our friend group) thought he was a good husband but we started to get suspicious back in 2021.

She would start to ask him permission to go places. We’d be on FaceTime and we’d make plans and she’d go to her husband and she’d say “honey can I go to ___ with ______?”

Then when her second was born she never ate. I’ll never forget this is literally when we all started to think maybe she was being abused. So we were getting lunch at chic fil a and she said she wasn’t hungry. We all ordered and her stomach growled super loud.

Our friend offered her some fries and she had one…then two, then three, then she picked up the box and started wolfing down fries, then took everyone else’s fries and just started inhaling them. She even grabbed our chicken strips/ nuggets off our trays and just ate them.

Then she apologized and offered to buy everyone fries and tenders. She confessed “I haven’t eaten in a few days” A FEW DAYS???

Then today, we were at her house when we came over she was washing HIS car in the garage. Idk what kind of husband has his wife wash his car.
Then we asked if she wanted to go to the river with us because her son was at school and her youngest was with her parents for the day.
She called her husband and asked and then said
“Sorry I can’t. I’m…uh…I’m grounded”

Her husband grounded her. He grounded her for messing up dinner 2 or 3 nights ago.

Idk what to do here, this man does not love her and it’s painful to watch.

  1. I’m mostly looking for recourses in the area to help her.

    We live in Arizona if that helps

  2. The trouble is this is deeper than just what you see. Likely he is emotionally and financially abusing her too. She probably feels “lucky” he’s with her and has completely destroyed her self esteem, threatened to keep the kids away from her and she probably has no safe place or money to leave. Resources can definitely help but likely she won’t leave or leave for good. It takes typically a dozen times to leave for good. Just keep supporting her and encouraging her and uplifting her. Give her access to resources but don’t be too pushy of she May isolate herself to avoid “trouble”

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