What is something going on in your life that is really bothering you at the moment?

  1. My mind where it feels fucked up from staying inside and being lonely but also quarantine will mess my mind later on other than that just a little lonely

  2. My cable provider, Charter, can’t access a pole on an easement to be able to give me internet. No other internet options in my area. Just bought the house..

  3. I’ve already hit the point where I should have gone from temp to full-time worker at my job, but they’re *really* taking their sweet time to tell me about my salary and benefits, and I’m still stuck logging my hours through the employment agency.

    Oh, and I’ve had three different canker sores in my mouth at the same time for the past month and it hurt like *hell*. It seems to be subsiding.

  4. Ive paid over 30,000$ in legal fees to see my son again and i barley get to see him.

  5. I am professionally branching out to deal in art, and the amount of new information I need (and don’t know I need it) feels overwhelming at times.

  6. I found an old pic of my bf that’s worrying me and making me wonder if he’s straight like he says he is.

    It is a fairly new relationship so far, and he’s only a year older than me (mid 20s) and it is hands-down THE healthiest relationship/dating situation I have ever been in so far.

    Something that kind of concerned me recently however (which is why I posted here), is that I was looking through his Instagram pictures, and one of his pics was a candid pic of himself and one of his friends sitting on a park bench, and the friend had his hand rested on my boyfriend’s lower thigh. And my boyfriend had his hand on top of the friend’s hand…..idk if I’m overthinking it or not, but I…didn’t like that.

    I normally find “bromances” endearing, but that seems a bit much. Like why would a guy place his hand on a another guy’s hand that is on his thigh? Plus someone took a picture. Is there a limit to which physical contact between men veers in “attraction” level? What should I make of this scenario?

    I posted this in many other subs, but I can’t come across any comments that make me feel “at peace”. I’m seeing people tell me everything from, “It sounds like a joke picture, doesn’t mean he’s gay” to “He’s definitely gay and if you stay in this relationship he’ll leave you in ten years to discover his ~true self~.” Idk what to do. I have such a good thing going here (finally), and I hate that this ONE picture is creating so much inner turmoil and doubt in my mind. Reddit hasn’t been helpful at all so far so…I need some insight…

    This is a perfect example of what their pose looked like: except in my case the pic was outdoors and my bf had his hand on the friend’s hand.

  7. The company HR lady acting like we’re friends after she spent the past week talking shit

  8. Absolutely nothing.

    Life is so great and so beautiful, it amazes me sometimes…!

  9. The fact that the cost of living and life in general has gone up drastically but yet my salary isn’t changing to reflect this. Unfortunately this is the cost of working for the government and not the private sector :/

  10. I can’t afford a house in my home city, I have a STEM degree that has thus far failed to materialize into a lucrative career, and the Supreme Court is overturning Roe v. Wade.

  11. Trying to get my dying father with gradual dementia more care than I can provide.

  12. Hurt my shoulder 2 years ago so I’m in constant pain. Work construction so I feel like rehab won’t work because I’m always doing hard labor. I love the gym and now I can’t go because I’m afraid of hurting myself worse and while working 48 hours a week I don’t have much time or money to correctly handle the situation. Pretty depressing tbh. Constant pain sucks

  13. I have chronic constipation and cannot eat enough food to sustain my weight. Declining in both confidence and physique. So yeah…

  14. The constant fear/annoyance that a certain health problem I have, that’s well controlled, is going to bar me from a new career path, without even giving me the chance to prove that it’s not a hinderance.

  15. Being told by my SO that women have it harder then men. which they do in some aspects. but i feel like men have it worse

  16. It’s so hard for me to be a healthy person while in school, man. I was never raised to go to college, let alone for engineering, and the constant stress from assignments, deadlines, projects, finals, gpa, etc etc really does a number on me. I cope eat, drink a little more than I’m comfortable with, completely neglect working out and sleep, and I’m early-30’s. I’m too old to live like this, but I’ve been frustrated by my consistent failure to make it work. Smdh.

    Edit: spelling

  17. Been seeing this woman for a while – just had both our birthdays, been chatting really well back and forth, been spending great time together, and then poof.

    Haven’t heard from her in two weeks.

    I know i’ll get over it, but man I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t messing with my head a bit.

    Did I do something wrong? Did something happen in her life? Maybe she met someone else and it is working out better for her?

    At this point I just want an answer, even if it’s not a good one.

  18. That I’m still alive. I guess not being a smoker and having healthy genes will do that too ya.

  19. New job, been here about 6 months. Got bad vibes about after a few months and started looking again. Then we got bought by a bigger company which got me excited cause I may not have to leave for better environment. Turns out the full integration/merger can range from 6 months – 3yrs…Really not wanting to wait that long to see if I like it.

  20. The thing that’s bothering me about my life is that nothing is going on in my life. I work hard and deal with the bullcrap of my school experience and home experience, only to be left without opportunities for viable jobs and crippling depression that I have to battle every day. All that pushing from my family about success in school and look where we are.

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