So I’m a woman and I’ve never had anyone ask me to call them daddy and have also never called anyone that in general. I hear a lot about this kink in media even though I’ve really never heard about it irl.Naturally I know everyones different and not everyone would be into that myself included but is it actually that common of a kink?

  1. I (M) personally don’t like that and wouldn’t want to be called Daddy. I just personally think it’s silly and dumb, but some people like it, I just don’t.

  2. Doesn’t really matter how common it is. Some people are into it and that’s fine, and some people aren’t into it and that’s also fine.

  3. 27m, as a dude I’ve never encountered a woman that wants to call me daddy and I’m personally pretty glad for it; my first association is my father and my second association is that this girl wants to fuck *her* father and neither subject is something I’d like to be thinking about in bed.

  4. You are likely seeing the [90-9-1% phenomenon (PDF warning)]( In short, a small percentage of high-posting people give the impression of a much higher consensus/norms around their interests.

    Here’s a rundown from that link:

    * 90% of users are the “audience”, or lurkers. The people tend to read or observe, but don’t actively contribute.
    * 9% of users are “editors”, sometimes modifying content or adding to an existing thread, but rarely create content from scratch.
    * 1% of users are “creators”, driving large amounts of the social group’s activity. More often than not, these people are driving a vast percentage of the site’s new content, threads, and activity.

  5. I think it depends on the type of people you are encountering, in a since of Vanilla or not..?

    In the BDSM community it’s common.
    It’s not usually age regression (for some it is) but more so having that provider, caretaker, leader, and person who is masculine that dominates over you. They are there to be that nurturing role but also has authority and control. It’s usually not a kink of incest or anything like that.. it’s the dynamic behind it. What that title holds, knowing he will protect you and has your best interest in mind but also will destroy you at the same time. 😂 (usually they go by Sir and Master as well, not just Daddy)

    For me, it’s very common because I only associate with BDSM when it comes to these types of things. I wouldn’t want a vanilla style relationship or dynamic.. but for someone who is not aware of BDSM or does not really associate with it, or people who are. It’s going to be less common.

    Edit: I’ll also add, some people are into it and aren’t apart of the BDSM community. They just like being called or calling someone that.

  6. Yes, it’s pretty common. If it helps, for the majority of folks, it’s less specifically an incest fantasy so much as it’s just wanting the male partner in a dominant masculine role, which is a suuuuper suuuuper common fantasy in women. It’s basically a mild bdsm kink.

    I also find it interesting how a lot of dudes are open about wanting a “mommy dom” type but don’t cop nearly as much shit about that kink as this does lol.

  7. Not sure why you mean by “Daddy kink”.
    If you’re talking about DD/lg kink or age play, no it isn’t suuuper common, but it exists more than people might realize. Not my standard cup of tea, but IMO as long as it’s done safely between consenting adults, let your freak flag fly.

    If you just mean calling someone “Daddy” it usually is not related to age play dynamic at all even if it IS related to a power exchange dynamic. The best way I can describe it is it’s like calling your significant other “babe” or “baby”…. you don’t actually think of them as a baby/infant it’s just like a cute petname and kind of a diminutive one. “Daddy” is a lot like that (although the opposite of diminutive… I don’t know the right word and I’m not gonna use a thesaurus lol). It’s often just a petname. It can also be used to imply respect and/or submission in a D/s dynamic but it doesn’t evoke actually fatherhood.

    But for what it’s worth, I understand that for many people it is impossible to separate the word “Daddy” from their actual literal father. People can enjoy that association, and still not want to fuck their father. In those cases it’s often about associating a romantic partner with someone you love and trust or someone who cares for and provides for you NOT about someone who raised you and changed your diapers (excluding ABDLs of course).

    Other people associate the word “Daddy” with their father and it becomes a no-go in a romantic/intimate setting. That’s cool too!

    Source: me. I’m Daddy.

  8. Who knows how common it is. I don’t think there’s been any conclusive comprehensive survey done on this. But I have a daddy kink and I enjoy it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  9. Don’t know about common. I never called anyone it or was asked to. And then with my ex I asked if he wanted to try it. He said ok, and I did, and we both felt it wasn’t right.

    Then with my new guy, I guess I blurted it. I don’t even remember doing it, but he later told me it was so hot. And he told me he’s NEVER liked it or wanted to be called it by someone else.

    So I think for some they love it, for some they hate it, and for some, it depends on the dynamic with the partner.

    Because yeah….now I want to call him daddy….

    But I also trust him more and feel more safe and vulnerable with him than I ever have with anyone else, I think that’s playing into it somehow.

  10. I love it. And honestly I was one of the people who was so repulsed by it lol but it just makes me wet thinking about it and calling my husband daddy 🤤

  11. I’d say it’s fairly common to at least have girls calling a guy daddy. Personally I’m not into, if things make their way into the bdsm side, I prefer Sir to daddy, but that’s just my preference 🤷‍♂️

  12. Idk if it’s common. I’ve dated many many men and only been comfortable with one enough to call him daddy.

  13. I never wanted to call anyone daddy until I met a man that rearranged my guts and made me finish on his 🍆 before he finished. Now I call him daddy and I love it

  14. I had partners that liked it. I wasn’t into it but was not opposed to it, so ok.

    Edit: It got them off good, so yeah, that part I loved.

  15. With 7 billion people on earth common is a difficult concept. There may be millions of people who do it but it still isn’t common

  16. I can say it is an incredibly effective turn-on for me when my woman calls me “Daddy.”

  17. Comparative to the entire population, probably not *that* common.
    Comparative to an average sampling of the kink community or porn consumers? Probably *pretty* common. Look up popular porn search terms and you’ll see just how frequently an incest porn tag makes the list.

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