Sorry for my English in advance

I (23M) have a crush on a girl from work (23F I think).
Before that I think I should tell a bit about myself and my relationships in the past.
I never dated anyone. I had crushes and “Almost loves” . People usually describe me as “nice” , “funny” , “good to be around” and “lovely person to talk to”. Every single relationship I had with any girl where only a physical connection (either for me or then) – or we can just call it fuck buddies. I asked in the last why my fuck buddies didn’t think I was “datable” . The answers were always the same “not my physical type” (I not shredded , not quite tall, a bit nerdy…), ” I’m way to nice” (like ??????), “the fact I don’t like sports or doing it” ,”bit awkward” and the fact that “my humor is usually talking negative about myself or really dark jokes”. The thuth as well is that I don’t know how to talk to girls that I’m interested as well.
Back to the girl from work, she joined the company at same time as me last year , we are from different teams and we don’t usually have to work with each other , only in rare occasions. Although she works like 30m from me and so we always say Hi to each other and have some kind of small talk. She is really cute , reaaaaaally nice and calm , pretty smart , I bilieve she also as great taste in music. Plus she is think she is very beautiful. Somehow she is single . Sometimes I think to myself “Doesn’t those kinda of person have a boyfriend since birth!? ” (Weird thought I know).
Besides the fact that I’m very scared of exposing my feelings for her (like it’s gonna be weird if I say “Hi. I have a major crush on you and I would like to know you better” and she isn’t interested… It’s gonna be very awkward at work…), but also , everytime I have an opportunity to talk to her she is with her work bestie and ended talking with both of them …again…small talk.
I know that I’m not a very typical hot guy, but I also think that I ain’t ugly or despicable you know. But somehow I think that I’m not her type…I know you guys are going to say something like :
” you don’t know what she likes. Maybe she likes you”
“If she is as nice as you say she ain’t going judge your looks and try to know you really ”
“Don’t assume anything, you don’t know what she thinks”
And you are right… although this doesn’t make me think otherwise or maybe change my opinion.
I just wanted to share this bc my friends don’t get it. If you have any opinion…well…be my guest. I appreciate it .

Thank you 🧡

TLDR: I have a crush on a work friend and I don’t know what to do. Scared to make thinks awkward and being rejected.

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