I made a post earlier on here about him, and after getting reassuring comments, I ended things with him about an hour or so ago.

However, I’m starting to really let my decision sink in, and I’m feeling terrible. We dated for 5 months, and throughout the entire 5 months, he has never treated me well. He has promised to change but never has.

I decided to choose myself this time, and after reassurance from strangers, I broke up with him. I tried to break up with him Monday, by sending him a lengthy text explaining why and wishing him the best. He ended up pleading and begging me to say, saying he was so sad and crying. So I stayed. It is now Thursday, and I blocked him on everything and deleted his number without explanation. I feel terrible. I’m trying to stop myself from going back, because he was terrible to me. Imagining him trying to text me and realizing he’s been blocked, and trying everything to reach me but not being able to breaks my heart. I feel like such a terrible, shitty person. I feel so sorry for what I did.

I’m so tempted to go back. He was amazing sometimes, and truly helped me. But at the same time, he destroyed my mental health and my self confidence. He made me so insecure and he wasn’t there for me sometimes. I’m not sure what to do. 🙁

TL;DR: Broke up with my LDR boyfriend an hour ago by blocking him on everything and I am feeling so terrible about it. I feel so sad just thinking about what he is thinking right now and feeling. 🙁

1 comment
  1. Of course you’re feeling terrible!! Even in the situations where you KNOW it’s the right thing to do, breakups fucking SUCK!!!

    You’re not a terrible or shitty person for protecting yourself from his manipulation or his cruelty.

    You deserve good things and you need to take the time to work on the things that were destroyed during this relationship.

    Grieve the loss of the relationship, work on getting yourself in a good space, and then i would bet that, in six months, you’ll be SO GLAD you got away from this unhealthy situation when you did.

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