I know this thread is going to come with a lot of assumptions


I’ve had two girlfriends

I’ve had some girls here and there (not often) tell me I’m handsome

I am height weight proportional, not physically intimidating size wise, not overweight.

I’d say I’m average looking

I have some anxiety and I am shy but I don’t look mean or scary

I don’t look like a nerd or a geek and follow modern styles and such

I take good care of my hygiene

Ok now the talk:

Whenever I meet new people and try to start conversations I feel like they want to leave the conversations

Sometimes with women when I’m genuinely trying to talk to them and don’t have sexual interest they do this thing where they try to shut down the conversation. It really hurts me and hits at my self esteem. Like what’s wrong with me? Am i Doing something wrong? I’m just trying to be friendly and make friends.

I just get this feeling the most with women where the second I just say hello they want to leave the conversations immediately

I feel a lot of people treat me with skepticism and caution and idk if it’s my anxiety or something else

I think I have a scary face or something

  1. If you’re male, women are always going to wonder what your intentions are. I know that sucks, but it’s just how it is for guys.

    You may be giving off a vibe that some people just don’t feel comfortable with, but even if you’re not, being male makes it harder to make friends with women.

    Definitely try to be aware of people’s body language and general vibe. If you’re not feeling they’re open to conversation, give them a way to opt out. It’s the respectful thing to do. It’s good that you’re trying to make connections with people, but not everyone is open to that.

  2. It definately means your not very attractive or attractive. Most likely average looking or below.
    Humans are visual animals and we subconciously create very fast assumptions. We can tell if your attractive or at ease or happy very quickly. You most likely are not at ease and unhappy when seen by these women which results in fear. There is evolutionary bias to this.

    Also women shut down conversations with everyone they find unattractive; this is because men are very bad at taking hints (evolutionary) and the easiest method for a women to make that clear is to be slightly rude in that sense. This would be amplified if your a poor conversationilist and cannot drive enthusiam. But you are most likely not doing anything wrong just need to work on your conversational skills and stay fit. Do not take it heart… life aint fair but its fair enough lol

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